/* * floppy.c * * Created: 29.04.2017 17:06:37 * Author: Jonas */ #include "floppy.h" ISR(TIMER0_OVF_vect) { cli(); timer_overflow_counter ++; *fPORT = 0xff; //Deactivate all previously activated pins for(uint8_t i = 0; i < 8; i++) //Perform check of every channel { if(floppy_nextrun[i] == timer_overflow_counter && floppy_frequencies[i] > 0) //check if pulse is due { floppy_nextrun[i] += floppy_frequencies[i]; //set next pulse floppy_pulse(i); } } sei(); } void floppy_setup(unsigned char *_pulse_port, unsigned char *_pulse_ddr, unsigned char *_direction_port, unsigned char *_direction_ddr) { //Setup Ports fPORT = _pulse_port; fDDR = _pulse_ddr; dPORT = _direction_port; dDDR = _direction_ddr; //Floppy inputs are active low so they are initialized high *fDDR = 0xff; *fPORT = 0xff; *dDDR = 0xff; *dPORT = 0xff; //Variable init timer_overflow_counter = 0; for(uint8_t i = 0; i < 8; i++) { floppy_head_return_counter[i] = 0; floppy_frequencies[i] = 0; floppy_nextrun[i] = 0; } //Return all FDDs to track 0 for(uint8_t i = 0; i < 200; i++) { _delay_ms(5); *fPORT ^= 0xff; } *dPORT = 0x00; //Head needs to be reversed *fPORT = 0xff; //Setup Timer TCCR0 |= (1 << CS01); // Prescaler 8 To leave enough time for ISR to complete TIMSK |= (1 << TOIE0); //Activate Interrupt sei(); } void floppy_set_frequency(uint8_t _floppy_id, uint8_t _freq) { floppy_frequencies[_floppy_id] = _freq; floppy_nextrun[_floppy_id] = _freq + timer_overflow_counter; } void floppy_pulse(uint8_t _floppy_id) { *fPORT &= ~(1 << _floppy_id); //Activate pin floppy_head_return_counter[_floppy_id] ++; if(floppy_head_return_counter[_floppy_id] > 75) //Toggle direction pin if more than 75 steps performed { *dPORT ^= (1<<_floppy_id); floppy_head_return_counter[_floppy_id] = 0; } } uint8_t floppy_calc_freq(uint32_t _f_hz) { ///TODO Shift notes out of effective range of FDD into range if(_f_hz < 31) return 255; if(_f_hz > 7813) return 1; return 7913 / _f_hz; }