#!/usr/bin/env bash # If not running interactively, don't do anything case $- in *i*) ;; *) return;; esac export BASH_IT_CUSTOM="/home/jonas/vimconfig" # Path to the bash it configuration export BASH_IT="/home/jonas/vimconfig/bash-it" # Lock and Load a custom theme file. # Leave empty to disable theming. # location /.bash_it/themes/ export BASH_IT_THEME='/home/jonas/vimconfig/theme.bash' # (Advanced): Change this to the name of your remote repo if you # cloned bash-it with a remote other than origin such as `bash-it`. # export BASH_IT_REMOTE='bash-it' # Your place for hosting Git repos. I use this for private repos. export GIT_HOSTING='git@git.domain.com' # Don't check mail when opening terminal. unset MAILCHECK # Change this to your console based IRC client of choice. export IRC_CLIENT='irssi' # Set this to the command you use for todo.txt-cli export TODO="t" # Set this to false to turn off version control status checking within the prompt for all themes export SCM_CHECK=true # Set Xterm/screen/Tmux title with only a short hostname. # Uncomment this (or set SHORT_HOSTNAME to something else), # Will otherwise fall back on $HOSTNAME. #export SHORT_HOSTNAME=$(hostname -s) # Set Xterm/screen/Tmux title with only a short username. # Uncomment this (or set SHORT_USER to something else), # Will otherwise fall back on $USER. #export SHORT_USER=${USER:0:8} # Set Xterm/screen/Tmux title with shortened command and directory. # Uncomment this to set. #export SHORT_TERM_LINE=true # Set vcprompt executable path for scm advance info in prompt (demula theme) # https://github.com/djl/vcprompt #export VCPROMPT_EXECUTABLE=~/.vcprompt/bin/vcprompt # (Advanced): Uncomment this to make Bash-it reload itself automatically # after enabling or disabling aliases, plugins, and completions. # export BASH_IT_AUTOMATIC_RELOAD_AFTER_CONFIG_CHANGE=1 # Uncomment this to make Bash-it create alias reload. # export BASH_IT_RELOAD_LEGACY=1 # Load Bash It source "$BASH_IT"/bash_it.sh