# dotfiles My [dotfiles](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hidden_file_and_hidden_directory#Unix_and_Unix-like_environments) including management system. Dotfiles or config folders are symlinked to their normal spot from this repository. This allows choosing a subset of files to install. Groups are also supported, allowing for quick installation of often used together configurations. ## Installation ``` ./install.sh install [TARGET] [...] ``` `TARGET` can be either a specific target or a set. ## Configuration ### Adding a new file or folder #### Automatically ``` ./install add ``` #### Manually Add a new line in `config.csv` ``` ; ``` ### Creating a file set Add a new line in `sets.csv` ``` ;[TRAGET] [...] ``` Sets can be used recursively. ### Hooks `install.sh` calls hook scripts for some actions. they are stored in `hooks/`. Hooks have to be named `.hook` and be executable. Currently supported hooks: | Name | Arguments | Called when | Notes | --- | --- | --- | | `housekeeping` | | before the script quits | Used to ensure everything is in order. | | `installed.` | Full target path | After successful install of | For specific targets | | `installed` | Full target path | After successful install of any config | For all targets | | `post_add` | Name, Target path | After config was added to the database | | Hooks can be manually called with `./install.sh hook ` ### Shell environment If `.bashrc` and `.bash_profile` are managed, config is loaded from `bash/`. `*.profile` is sourced after an interactive login, `*.bash` on ervery launch of a new shell. An external configuration to allow host specific settings, without tainting the git repo, is created at `$HOME/.files.config`. It is populated from `config.default` if it does not exist. Scripts in `bash/` use its variables as configuration. If the variables do not exist in `.files.config`, the default values from `config.default` are used.