#!/bin/bash #['name']='install location relative to $HOME' declare -A CONFIGS CONFIGS=( ["sway"]=".config" ["alacritty"]=".config" ["polybar"]=".config" ["powerline"]=".config" ["nvim"]=".config" ["termite"]=".config" ["twmn"]=".config" ["picom"]=".config" ["i3"]=".config" ["termux.properties"]=".termux" ["bspwm"]=".config" ["sxhkd"]=".config" ["deadd"]=".config" ["rofi"]=".config" [".vim"]="." [".xinitrc"]="." [".bashrc"]="." [".Xresources"]="." [".radare2rc"]="." [".bash_profile"]="." ) declare -A SETS SETS=( ["base"]=".vim .bashrc .bash_profile" ["desktop"]="base termite picom i3 deadd polybar .xinitrc .Xresources" ) #1: message yes_no() { read -p "$1 (y/[n])" inp case $inp in [yY]* ) return 0;; * ) return 1;; esac } #interface on sterr multiselector() { local argc=$# local argv=($@) local cnt=0 local ret="" for entry in "$@"; do >&2 echo "$cnt) $entry" ((cnt=$cnt + 1)) done >&2 echo "Select entry(s)" >&2 echo "eg. '1 3' '1-4' 'a'" >&2 read -p " > " inp for sel in $inp; do local reg_range="^[0-9]+\-[0-9]+$" local reg_single="^[0-9]+$" local reg_all="^[aA]+" if [[ $sel =~ $reg_range ]]; then range=($(echo $sel | tr "-" " ")) for (( i=${range[0]}; i<=${range[1]}; i++ )); do ret="$ret ${argv[$i]}" done elif [[ $sel =~ $reg_single ]]; then ret="$ret ${argv[$sel]}" elif [[ $sel =~ $reg_all ]]; then ret=$@ break; else >&2 echo "Wrong input at \"$sel\"" ret="" break fi done echo $ret } selector() { local regex="^-?[0-9]+\$" local cnt=0 for selection in "$@" do echo "$cnt) $selection" ((cnt=$cnt + 1)) done read -p "(default=0) >" inp if [[ "$inp" =~ $regex ]] && [ $inp -ge 0 -a $inp -le $# ] then echo $inp return $inp elif [ -z $inp ] then return 0 else return 2 fi } #1: source 2: destination link() { if [ -e $2 ]; then if yes_no "$(basename $2) exists. Overwrite?"; then if [ -d $2 ]; then rm -R $2 else rm $2 fi else return fi fi ln -s "$1" "$2" } choose_target() { if [ ! -z ${CONFIGS[$1]} ]; then echo "Install $(pwd)/$1 to $HOME/${CONFIGS[$1]}/$1" link "$(pwd)/$1" "$HOME/${CONFIGS[$1]}/$1" elif [ ! -z "${SETS[$1]}" ]; then for f in ${SETS[$1]}; do choose_target $f done else echo Target $1 not found. skipping. fi } housekeeping() { git submodule init git submodule update #.files is used to tell scripts where to look for the dotfiles if yes_no "Generate '.files'?"; then echo "DOTFILEBASE=\"$(pwd)\"" > $HOME/.files fi } if [ $# -gt 0 ] then for i in "$@"; do choose_target "$i" done housekeeping exit 0 fi WORKDIR=$(dirname $0) cd $WORKDIR echo Working in $WORKDIR echo Homedir is $HOME selected=( $(multiselector ${!CONFIGS[@]} ${!SETS[@]}) ) for cnf in "${selected[@]}"; do choose_target "$cnf" done housekeeping