1.0.0b8 : Ported TkServ to C. 1.0.0b8 : It is now possible to QUIT the service via SQUERY. 1.0.0b9 : Added default expiration if no time value was specified (koopal) 1.0.0b9 : It is now possible to remove existing tklines "manually" (koopal) 1.0.0b10: the pwd of the service went to the cmd line (koopal) 1.0.0 : Official release of TkServ 1.0.1 : Applied some fixes to make TkServ work under BSDI (primetime) 1.0.1 : no address of a local var is returned anymore :) (primetime) 1.0.2 : Added forgotten tkserv.access.example to the package (primetime) 1.0.2 : IP masks (x.x.x.*) are now also be recognized as IPs (primetime) 1.0.2 : hostnames are now also possible in the restriction field (primetime) 1.0.3 : DEBUGGING is now functional and displays all service<->server traffic to the standard output 1.0.3 : TkServ should now also compile under Irix (Szern) 1.0.3 : IP restrictions are now also possible in the access file - wildcards are allowed (Szern) 1.0.3 : Wildcards do now also work in the oper u@h field of the access file (Szern) 1.0.3 : Replaced FNM_CASEFOLD by FNM_NOESCAPE 1.0.4 : ':' is not allowed anymore in the TKLINE cmd line (Eumel) 1.0.4 : Fixed lame bug which kept tklines active altho already expired (Eumel) 1.0.5 : TkServ should now also compile under Redhat Linux. (Tero) 1.0.5 : a few changes for ircd/contrib compliancy 1.0.5 : the semantics for the access file have changed (check out README) 1.0.5 : it is now possible to disallow tklining of specific hosts (tumble) 1.0.6 : Added leading colons for the /squery commands (tumble) 1.0.6 : Added a hint concerning the distribution to the README 1.0.6 : it's now possible to decide whether a user needs to be opered or not when accessing TkServ 1.0.7 : TkServ won't crash anymore if a bad lifetime is given (Tero) 1.0.8 : A few changes to make TkServ fit better into ircd/contrib. 1.0.8 : TkServ now sends out a hint when it receives an unknown cmd (Fusion & viha) 1.0.9 : renamed the function logf due to a conflict in *BSD? (Virginie) 1.0.9 : General rename of some tkserv functions 1.2 : Password migration from cmd line to conf file (Earthpig) 1.2 : TkServ now daemonizes itself. (Earthpig)