European Board of IRC Coordinators - Norway Email: Versjon: 1.01-001 Dokument: IRCNO-ORRO 06.07.93 - 03:51 File: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IRCNO in English. IRCNO is the Norwegian name for EBIC - Norway. Introduction ~~~~~~~~~~~ The purpose of IRCNO is to make IRC in Norway as effective as possible. To achieve this, it has to seperate components, an administrative and a techincal. The administrative component enforces compliance with the IRC rules in Norway. The purpose of the rules is not to make operators net-police, but action must nonetheless be taken when rules are not complied with. Furthermore, we create national statistics on servers and users connection time. (This info is however only available to the operators). We also document IRC in Norway, and keep information files updated. Finally, we give heavy user-support. All documentation, information files, and user-support files are in the Norwegian language. The technical component consist mainly of ensuring the proper and reliable functioning of Norwegian servers and links, so that IRC in Norway is compatible with the rest of the EBIC IRC Net. IRCNO also has its own email adress for any inquiries: IRCNO has official support from the Norwegian academic network provider - UNINETT. IRCNO tasks ~~~~~~~~~~ Here is a list that defines IRCNO's tasks. 1) Take care of the Norwegian IRC servers. 2) Enforce the rules for IRC use in Norway. 3) Be responsible toward UNINETT. 4) Make statistics. 5) Document IRC in Norway. 6) User support. Rules of IRC use in Norway ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ We have 3 kinds of rules, user-bot, operator and server-admin. Here is a short translation of the rules USER-RULES - The following is not allowed: 1) Fake userids, or trying to hide the real user-id. 2) Being intentionally offensive to another user. 3) Dumping a lot of text to a public channel. 4) Constant beeping on a channel. 5) Anything that will reduce the techincal functionality of IRC. 6) Harrasement defined by Norwegian Civil Law. 7) Using offencive words in channel topics on public channels. 8) Destroys the integrity of information. 9) Compromise private communication. BOT-RULES - The following guidelines must be followed: 1) Bots must not have fake userid unless given permission. 2) Bots must not send a message to a user not activating it. 3) Bots must be invisible unless they perform a good "irc-deed". 4) Bots must only answer to PRIVMSG by using NOTICE. Dispensation from some of the bot-rules may be given under certain circumstances. OPERATOR RULES This guide gives guidelines on what is not good and what is good. Stuff that is not allowed: - Using SQUIT / CONNECT to gain channel-operator-status. - Mindless use of KILL. - Using TRACE to find invisible users. Stuff that is allowed: - Using SQUIT / CONNECT to "fix" the net. This is normally not allowed and should be used with care. The IRCNO tries to make efficient use of automatic routing. - KILL should only be used when a user ask to be killed. KILL can also be used if it's based in a certain paragraph of the USER rule file. SERVER RULES Following is the EBIC-Rules conserning linking. For domestic linking we have our own rules. 1) To get a server connect to the Norwegian IRC-net: a. New servers must only be leafs. b. New servers must have one primary- and one secondary link. c. New servers should only have one active link at a time. d. The new server must have enough users. 2) New server connections should be discussed among the existing oper/admins. 3) Any link should follow the physical net-topology. 4) A server that is not close to a regional UNINETT net center should not perform as a HUB server. 5) Every server in Norway takes part in the national user-staistic. 6) If hostmasking is to be used, every server behind a mask must be able to connect to the up-host. ADMIN RULES 1) An irc-admin must be available by email, unless he/she notifies IRCNO about any longer planned absence. 2) A server-admin's duty is to have his/her server perform well for the end-users and other servers on the irc-net. 3) An irc-admin must upgrade his/her server and tune it according to something suitable as soon as a server-release is known to be relatively stable. 4) An irc-admin that is not following these rules can loose his/her links if 100% of IRCNO agrees. Persons in IRCNO ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ We do not have any leader or jobs, but we do preform certain tasks. Every decision is taken by discussion and voting. We do not have any problem with this, and no nasty disagreements occur. This we belive is because of our Norwegian Nature :-) Who is Who is documentet in the file called irc-no. Norwegian titles in paranthesis. IRCNO secretary (IRCNO sekret{r) Keeps track and system of all docs that are produced within IRCNO. The updating of the various documents is left to the one who has the administrative job with the document. Filearchive (Filarkiv) Keeps the anonymous FTP archie at up-to date. The archive is also accessible by FSP. The archive consist of IRCNO docs, IRC docs in general, and IRC software. This person also administrate the two mailinglists that exist (IRCNO and a IRC-user list) Statistics: (Statistikk) Does the monthly stats of IRC-use in Norway. EBIC contact (EBIC kontakt) This task is defined in the EBIC-rules. Link master (Link ansvarlig) Job is to find the best links for Norwegian servers, and how they should connect to each other. In link-matters this person often has the last word. The link master write a link-report from time to time (found on the archive as "links"). This report is the only english document beside this one. This person must have good knowlege on net-structure in Norway and how the server-linking works. UNINETT contact (UNINETT kontakt) UNINETT want one contact person. This person will likely aslo be known as the one who is "responsible for IRC in Norway". Other stuff ~~~~~~~~~~~ For a list of servers and their associated persons, see the file irc-no under "servere in IRCNO". This document is proof-read by Espen Anneling (