Written by Per Persson , last update: 1996-06-18 1) Europe should always be a separate net from the other parts of (what was formerly known as) "EFNet". For example; Netherlands with leafs and Sweden/Finland (with leafs) should always be connected to eachother. There are a few times when that wont work though... NORDUnet might have fuckups from time to time and in those few cases we have to use more then one link to USA. 2) Europe "should" be connected this way; * irc.nada.kth.se is the primary HUB for northern Europe as well as some southern European servers (.at). irc.nada.kth.se is also the primary European HUB for connections to US. * warszawa.irc.pl is the primary .pl HUB, primary uplink for .pl is .se with .fi/.at as secondary (.pl is almost never connected to "EFNet" right now) * ircd.funet.fi is the primary .fi HUB and irc.cs.hut.fi is the backup. * irc.pvv.unit.no is the primary .no HUB and irc.ifi.uio.no is the backup, primary uplink for .no is .se with .fi as secondary. * irc.ru is the primary .ru HUB, primary uplink is .fi with .se as secondary. * irc.isnet.is's primary uplink is .fi, irc.ludd.luth.se is secondary * sunsite.auc.dk's primary uplink is irc.nada.kth.se * irc.ccii.unipi.it is the primary HUB for Italy, primary uplink is .se with .nl/.uk as secondary. * irc.felk.cvut.cz is the primary .cz HUB, primary uplink is .se. * irc.sanet.sk's primary uplink is .cz. * irc.nijnerode.nl is the primary HUB for sourthern Europe and .uk. Primary uplink is irc.ludd.luth.se(irc.nada.kth.se) with .fi as secondary * irc.univ-lyon1.fr is the primary .fr HUB and sil.polytechnique.fr is the backup. primary uplink for .fr is irc.ludd.luth.se and secondary uplink for .fr is irc.cerf.net. * stork.doc.ic.ac.uk is the primary .uk HUB and serv.eng.abdn.ac.uk is the backup. Primary uplink is .nl with .se/.fi as secondary. (.uk also has a .net server, as well as a netcom.net.uk server which uses a bit different uplinks--the rest of the .uk servers are connected to those on occasions as well) * irc.belnet.be is the primary .be HUB, primary uplink for .be is .uk with .fr/.nl as secondary. * irc.wu-wien.ac.at is the primary .at HUB, primary uplink for .at is .fr with .se as secondary. * irc.uni-paderborn.de is the primary .de HUB, primary uplink for .de is .nl with .fi as secondary. (.de isn't often connected, as they have sloooow links) * irc.arnes.si's primary uplink is .nl, secondary uplink is .se. * The primary link for Europe to USA is; .se - USA backups are; .fi/.nl - USA (USA can be one of the following; cs-pub.bu.edu, ircd.stealth.net eff.org, bazooka.rutgers.edu or irc.cerf.net. irc.cerf.net is the prefered one nowadays with ircd.stealth.net as secondary) 3) The ASCII map of all this, to make things "easier to comprehend". (.no .dk .pl .it) __ .se __ .fi __ (.is .ru) /|\ .uk __ .nl __/ | \__ .cz __ (.sk) | | | (.be) | .fr __ (.at) | (.si .ch .de) ()'s marks leafs \ _ /'s marks links