""" OPENWEATHERというインターネットサービスを利用したものです。 私個人のAPIキーですが、個人で利用したものを利用してアクセスしてください d5098ce4e32e6d1ffc703cd671d8f985 http://api.openweathermap.org/data/2.5/forecast?id=1850147&APPID={APIKEY} """ import os import json import time import sys from multiprocessing import Process ok = None home = os.environ['HOME'] # check the exists of recent prediction with open('{home}/kawaii-term/async/weather.txt'.format(home=home),'r') as f: line = None for line in f: ... last = line.strip() if last == '': ok = False print('please wait serveral seconds...' ) else: #print('last', last ) lasttime = int( last.split('___').pop(0) ) if int( time.time() ) - lasttime > 30: #print('refresh') ok = False # 無条件に出力 print(last.split('___').pop() ) def async_update(): raw = os.popen('curl -s "http://api.openweathermap.org/data/2.5/weather?q=Tokoy,jp&appid=1e240e732347c23472274dc188cd39d6"').read() obj = json.loads( raw ) desc = obj['weather'][0]['description'] save = '___'.join( map(str,[int(time.time()), desc] ) ) os.system('echo {save} >> {home}/kawaii-term/async/weather.txt'.format( save=save, home=home ) ) if ok is not None: p = Process(target=async_update, args=()) p.start() p.join()