# Jekyll Boilerplate Create your Jekyll blog in minutes. A clean, one-column theme from which to kick off your Jekyll blog. ### Sites based on Jekyll Boilerplate - - Send your site to barry@barryclark.co and I'll add it ### Good alternative Jekyll starting points - Looking for a theme with a sidebar? [Left by Zach Holman](https://github.com/holman/left) - Looking for a starting point with sweet Pow workflows? [Hazelnut by Mig Reyes](https://github.com/migreyes/hazelnut) - Looking for a bulkier starting point with more options? [Octopress by Brandon Mathis](https://github.com/imathis/octopress) - Looking for where it all began? [mojombo.github.io by Tom Preston-Werner](https://github.com/mojombo/mojombo.github.io)