# Jekyll Now **Jekyll** is static site generator that's perfect for GitHub hosted blogs ([Jekyll Repository](https://github.com/jekyll/jekyll)) **Jekyll Now** makes it easier to create your Jekyll blog, by eliminating a lot of the up front setup. - You don't need to touch the command line - You don't need to install/configure ruby, rvm/rbenv, ruby gems :relaxed: - You don't need to install runtime dependancies like markdown processors, Pygments, etc - It's easy to try out, you can just delete your forked repository if you don't like it In a few minutes you'll be set up with a minimal, responsive blog ([**Theme Demo**](http://jekyllnow.com)) giving you more time to spend on making your blog awesome! ## Quick Start ### Step 1) Fork Jekyll Now to your User Repository Fork this repo, then rename the repository to YourGitHubUsername.github.io. Your Jekyll blog will then be live at that URL: (it's generally live immediately, but can occasionally take up to 10 minutes) ![Step 1](/images/step1.gif "Step 1") ### Step 2) Customize your site Enter your site name, description, avatar and many other options by editing the _config.yml file. You can easily turn on Google Analytics tracking, Disqus commenting and social icons here too! ![_config.yml](/images/config.jpg "_config.yml") ### Step 3) Publish your first blog post Navigate to the posts folder in the root of this repository and edit `/_posts/2014-3-3-Hello-World.md` to publish your first blog post. This [Markdown Cheatsheet](https://github.com/adam-p/markdown-here/wiki/Markdown-Cheatsheet) might come in handy. ![First Post](/images/first-post.jpg "First Post") To add additional posts you can hit the + icon in `/_posts/` to create new content. Just make sure to include the [front-matter](http://jekyllrb.com/docs/frontmatter/) block at the top of each new blog post and make sure the post's filename is in this format: year-month-day-title.md ## Moar! I've created a more detailed walkthrough of [**Getting Started With Jekyll**](#), check it out if you'd like a more detailed walkthrough and some background on Jekyll. :metal: It covers: - A more detailed walkthrough of setting up your Jekyll blog - Common issues that you might encounter while using Jekyll - Importing from Wordpress, using your own domain name, and blogging in your favorite editor - Theming in Jekyll, with Liquid templating examples - A quick look at Jekyll 2.0’s new features, including Sass/Coffeescript support and Collections ## Jekyll Now Features ✓ Command-line free _fork-first workflow_, using GitHub.com to create, customize and post to your blog ✓ Fully responsive and mobile optimized base theme (**[Theme Demo](http://jekyllnow.com)**) ✓ Sass/Coffeescript support using Jekyll 2.0 ✓ Free hosting on your GitHub Pages user site ✓ Markdown blogging ✓ Syntax highlighting ✓ Disqus commenting ✓ Google Analytics integration ✓ SVG social icons for your footer ✓ Speed - only 3 http requests, including your avatar ✓ Emoji in blog posts! :sparkling_heart: :sparkling_heart: :sparkling_heart: ✘ No installing dependancies ✘ No need to set up local development ✘ No configuring plugins ✘ No need to spend time on theming ✘ More time to code other things ... wait ✓! ## Questions? Suggestions? [Open an Issue](https://github.com/barryclark/jekyll-now/issues/new) and let's chat! ## Get new themes If you'd like me to let you know when I release a new theme, just [drop me your email for updates](http://getresponse.com). I'm currently working on a personal portfolio site Jekyll Now theme. ## Credits - [Jekyll](https://github.com/jekyll/jekyll) - Thanks to it's creators, contributors and maintainers. - [SVG icons](https://github.com/neilorangepeel/Free-Social-Icons) - Thanks, Neil Orange Peel, the they're beautiful. - [Joel Glovier](http://joelglovier.com/writing/) - Great Jekyll articles. I used Joel's feed.xml and sitemap.xml in this repository. - Design & Code reviews - Thanks to [David Furnes](https://github.com/dfurnes), [Jon Uy](https://github.com/jonuy),