#### Jekyll Now lets you create your Jekyll blog in minutes, without touching the command line. ## 3 Step Setup ##### Step 1) Fork Jekyll Now to your GitHub User Repository ![Step 1](/images/step1.gif "Step 1") 1. Walk 2. Through 3. The --- Host on your GitHub Pages User repo 4. Video --- ##### Step 2) Personalize your blog ##### Step 3) Publish your first post ## Features ✓ Fully responsive and mobile optimized theme ([Theme Demo](http://jekyllkickstart.com)) ✓ Workflow using GitHub.com to create, customize and post to your blog ✓ Host on your free GitHub Pages user site ✓ Blog in markdown! ✓ Syntax highlighting ✓ Disqus commenting ✓ Google Analytics integration ✓ Optional Grunt workflow for local development using SASS ✘ No setting up local development ✘ No installing dependancies ✘ No configuring plugins ✘ No need to spend time on theming ✘ No setting up hosting ✘ More time to code other things! ... wait that's a ✓ ## More things you can do without touching the command line #### Publish new content To publish new blog posts, go into the _posts folder and click the New File button. Name your post in this format: year-month-day-Title.md, save it, and you're set! (You can also publish new content via command line by git cloning down your repo, and pushing up your new markdown files) #### Set up your domain name Follow the latest [GitHub Pages Custom Domain Guide](https://help.github.com/articles/setting-up-a-custom-domain-with-pages) to set up your custom domain name. I've created the CNAME file already, so that you can easily edit it within the repository. ## Looking for a more in depth walkthrough? Check out my article [Getting Started With Jekyll](#). ## Any questions? [Open an Issue](https://github.com/barryclark/jekyll-now/issues/new) and let's chat! ## Get notified when I release new themes If you'd like me to let you know when I release a new theme, just [drop me your email for updates](http://getresponse.com). I'm currently working on a personal portfolio site Jekyll Now theme. ## Credits - SVG icons - Code/design reviewers - Jekyll!