#!/bin/bash # http://opendata.dwd.de/weather/nwp/icon-d2/grib/00/t/icon-d2_germany_regular-lat-lon_pressure-level_2023080200_000_1000_t.grib2.bz2 # ///icon-d2_regular-lat-lon_pressure-level____ # Detect latest with # curl https://opendata.dwd.de/weather/nwp/content.log.bz2 | bzip2 -d function get_latest_run() { # Allow up to 3hours for DWD to upload the new model run. We also want UTC export TZ=UTC local corrected_date=$(date -d "$(date '+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') 3 hours ago" '+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') local current_hour=$(date -d "$corrected_date" +%H) local run_hour=$(( (current_hour/6) * 6 )) RUN=$(printf "%02d" $run_hour) DATE=$(date -d "$corrected_date" +%Y%m%d) echo Selecting run $RUN - $DATE } NPROC=$(nproc) #OUTDIR=dwd_icon-d2 OUTDIR=dwd_icon-eu #MODEL=icon-d2 #MODEL_LONG=icon-d2_germany MODEL=icon-eu MODEL_LONG=icon-eu_europe BASE="https://opendata.dwd.de/weather/nwp" get_latest_run #RUN="00" #DATE=$(date +%Y%m%d) # In ICON-EU, the parameter name in the filename is in caps. # This is a stupid fix for a stupid problem. PARAMETER_FILENAME_CAPS=yes PARAMETERS=( "t" "relhum" "u" "v" "fi" ) # tot_prec and cape_ml/cin_ml is in 15min intervals and screws with xygrib PARAMETERS_SINGLE_LEVEL=( "pmsl" ) PRESSURE_LEVELS=( "1000" "975" "950" "850" "700" "600" "500" "400" "300" "250" "200" ) OFFSETS=( "000" "003" "006" "009" "012" "015" "018" "024" "027" "030" "033" "036" "039" "042" "045" "048" ) mkdir -p $OUTDIR for OFFSET in "${OFFSETS[@]}"; do for PARAMETER in "${PARAMETERS[@]}"; do for LEVEL in "${PRESSURE_LEVELS[@]}"; do while [ $(pgrep -c -P$$) -gt $NPROC ]; do sleep 1 done if [ "$PARAMETER_FILENAME_CAPS" = "yes" ]; then PARAMETER2=${PARAMETER^^} else PARAMETER2=${PARAMETER} fi URL="$BASE/$MODEL/grib/$RUN/$PARAMETER/${MODEL_LONG}_regular-lat-lon_pressure-level_${DATE}${RUN}_${OFFSET}_${LEVEL}_${PARAMETER2}.grib2.bz2" BNAME=$(basename "$URL") echo Getting "$BNAME" ( wget -q --directory-prefix=$OUTDIR "$URL" || echo FAILED: "$BNAME" ) & done done for PARAMETER in "${PARAMETERS_SINGLE_LEVEL[@]}"; do while [ $(pgrep -c -P$$) -gt $NPROC ]; do sleep 1 done if [ "$PARAMETER_FILENAME_CAPS" = "yes" ]; then PARAMETER2=${PARAMETER^^} else PARAMETER2=${PARAMETER} fi # !! Icon-D2 needs _2d_ between OFFSET and PARAMETER2 URL="$BASE/$MODEL/grib/$RUN/$PARAMETER/${MODEL_LONG}_regular-lat-lon_single-level_${DATE}${RUN}_${OFFSET}_${PARAMETER2}.grib2.bz2" BNAME=$(basename "$URL") echo Getting "$BNAME" ( wget -q --directory-prefix=$OUTDIR "$URL" || echo FAILED: "$BNAME" ) & done done while [ $(pgrep -c -P$$) -gt 0 ]; do sleep 1 done echo Done downloading. Decompressing... for F in $OUTDIR/*.grib2.bz2; do while [ $(pgrep -c -P$$) -gt $NPROC ]; do sleep 1 done bzip2 -df "$F" & done rm -f $OUTDIR/combined.grib2 grib_copy $OUTDIR/*.grib2 $OUTDIR/combined.grib2 || exit 1 rm -f $OUTDIR/icon*.grib2 echo Done.