// python3 -m http.server const data_dir = 'data'; const index_file = "index.json"; var index = null; var mapframe = null; function httpGetAsync(url, callback) { var xmlHttp = new XMLHttpRequest(); xmlHttp.onreadystatechange = function() { if (xmlHttp.readyState == 4 && xmlHttp.status == 200) callback(xmlHttp.responseText); } xmlHttp.open("GET", url, true); xmlHttp.send(null); } function loadIndexFromJson(raw_text, title) { index_obj = JSON.parse(raw_text) //TODO pass index here. that would be cleaner than public vars. build_interface(index_obj, title); } function build_indexlist(index_obj, display_name) { div = document.createElement('div'); div.classList.add('index'); title = document.createElement('h4'); title.innerText = display_name; div.appendChild(title); list = document.createElement('ul'); for (const i in index_obj) { var map = index_obj[i]; a = document.createElement('a'); a.classList.add('link'); a.setAttribute('href', '');// data_dir + '/' + map.file); a.setAttribute('mapfile', map.file); a.onclick = indexlink_click; a.innerText = map.display_name; a.id = map.file; li = document.createElement('li'); li.appendChild(a); list.appendChild(li); } div.appendChild(list); return div; } function indexlink_click(e) { mapframe.querySelector('#mapframe').src = data_dir + '/' + this.getAttribute('mapfile'); return false; } function productlink_click(e) { clear_interface(); var list_title = this.getAttribute('list_title'); httpGetAsync(data_dir + '/' + this.getAttribute('indexfile'), function(a){ loadIndexFromJson(a,list_title);}); return false; } function build_mapframe() { div = document.createElement('div'); div.classList.add('mapframe'); frame = document.createElement('img'); frame.id = 'mapframe'; //frame.classList.add('mapframe'); mapframe = frame; div.appendChild(frame); return div; } function build_interface(index_obj, display_name) { index = build_indexlist(index_obj, display_name); mapframe = build_mapframe(); document.body.appendChild(index); document.body.appendChild(mapframe); } function clear_interface() { if (index) index.remove(); if(mapframe) mapframe.remove(); } function build_product_index(raw_text) { product_index = JSON.parse(raw_text); div = document.createElement('div'); div.classList.add('product_index'); title = document.createElement('h4'); title.innerText = 'Products'; div.appendChild(title); list = document.createElement('ul'); for (const i in product_index) { var product = product_index[i]; a = document.createElement('a'); a.classList.add('link'); a.setAttribute('href', '');// data_dir + '/' + map.file); a.setAttribute('indexfile', product.indexfile); a.setAttribute('list_title', product.list_title); a.onclick = productlink_click; a.innerText = product.name; a.id = product.indexfile; li = document.createElement('li'); li.appendChild(a); list.appendChild(li); } div.appendChild(list); document.body.appendChild(div); } window.onload = function() { //httpGetAsync(data_dir + '/' + index_file, loadIndexFromJson); httpGetAsync(data_dir + '/' + index_file, build_product_index); }