# minecraft-server-tools My minecraft server management script with safe online Backup. ## Configuration Config-variables are located at the top of `server.sh` ## Usage `./server.sh start|stop|attach|status|backup` ### start Creates a `screen` session and starts a minecraft server within. Fails, if a session is already running with the same sessionname. ### stop Sends `stop` command to running server instance to safely shut down. ### attach attaches to `screen` session. Exit with `CTRL + A d` ### status lists active screen sessions with `SCREEN_SESSIONNAME`. ### backup Backs up the world as a `tar.gz` archive in `./backup/`. If a running server is detected, the world is flushed to disk and autosave is disabled temporarily to prevent chunk corruption. The command specified in `$BACKUP_HOOK` is executed on every successful backup. `$ARCHNAME` contains the relative path to the archive. This can be used to further process the created backup. ## Start automatically Create user and group `minecraft` with home in `/var/minecraft`. Populate the directory with server.sh and a server jar. Place `minecraft.service` in `/etc/systemd/system/` and run `systemctl start minecraft` to start once or `systemctl enable minecraft` to enable autostarting. ## Disclaimer The scripts are provided as-is at no warranty. They are in no way idiot-proof. Improvements are welcome.