path: root/plugins/tests/certs/expired-key.pem
AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2022-01-30sslutils: use chain from client certificatesGravatar Tobias Wiese
sslutils used to load only the first certificate when it was given a client certificate file. Added tests for check_http to connect to a http server that expects a client certificate (simple and with chain). Signed-off-by: Tobias Wiese <tobias@tobiaswiese.com>
2020-05-15tests: update expired test certificateGravatar Sven Nierlein
the certificate used to test expired http checks is to old to be used with recent ssl libraries and results in: > SSL routines:SSL_CTX_use_certificate:ee key too small unfortunatly the error is only visible when setting $IO::Socket::SSL::DEBUG in the check_http.t file.
2009-03-06Create expired cert for testing purposes. Updated tests to checkGravatar Ton Voon
expired and unexpired certificates