# oscad-gridfinity [GridFinity](https://gridfinity.xyz/) implementation for [OpenSCAD](https://openscad.org/) ![Bottom View](img/bottom.png) Create fully parameterized Templates for GridFinity. `gridfinity(, , , lip=<>, magnets=<>);` * **x, y** Vertical size in *GridFinity* units * **z** Height in GridFinity units (`z * 7mm`). This is excluding the base and stacking lip. * **lip** `true/false` Sets wether to put a stacking lip on top. Only works with z >= 1. Default `true` * **magnets** `true/false` Sets wether to put holes for magnets in the base. Default `false` * **fill** `true/false` Sets wether the created object is solid or hollow. Default `true` * **bottom_height** Height offset for floor. Only applicable, if `fill == false`. Default `0` ## Example ```scad use gridfinity(2, 1, 2, lip=true, magnets=false); ``` ## Building STLs and PNGs can be built with GNU make by just running `make stl` and `make png` respectively. T build a single object, use the desired file as a target: `make example.stl` ## License Licensed under the MIT License. Consult `LICENSE`.