import requests import json import datetime from dateutil.parser import parse as datetime_parse class apiConnectionException(Exception): pass class apiQueryException(Exception): pass class apiObjectNotFoundException(Exception): pass class phpipamBackend: def __init__(self, api_url, app_id, api_user, api_password): """ Parameters ---------- api_url : str URL of the phpIPAM instance. Example: app_id : str AppID set in phpIPAM API settings api_user : str username, leave blank to use static token-authentication api_password : str user password or static auth token Raises ------ apiConnectionException if the connection/authentification fails """ self.api_url = api_url.strip('/') + '/api/' + app_id self.api_user = api_user self.api_password = api_password # Check for static auth if len(self.api_user) == 0: self.api_token = self.api_password self.api_token_expires = "" else: self._getApiToken() def _getApiToken(self): data = + "/user", auth=(self.api_user,self.api_password)).json() if not data['success']: raise apiConnectionException('Failed to authenticate: ' + str(data['code'])) self.api_token = data['data']['token'] self.api_token_expires = data['data']['expires'] def _isTokenExpired(self): # static auth does not expire if len(self.api_token_expires) == 0: return False expiration = datetime_parse(self.api_token_expires) return expiration < def request ( self, method, url, data = {} ): """Wrapper for _req for checking result and only returning data""" if self._isTokenExpired(): self._getApiToken() data = requests.request(method, self.api_url + url, data=data, headers={'token':self.api_token}).json() if not 'success' in data or not data['success']: raise apiQueryException("Query failed with code " + str(data['code']) + ": " + str(data['message'])) return data['data']