# TermGL TermGL is a library for displaying ASCII-graphics in a xterm compatible console (Some parts work in Windows). List of current features: - Automatic terminal size detection, online resizing - Framerate target - Simple shape-drawing functions - Object Handling: - Movement - Collision - Input handling with object mapping - 3D wiremeshes (mostly useless eye-candy) For more information on how to use, consult the documentation (`make doc`) and look at the example programs in `example/`. ## Building from source TermGL should compile just fine with just `libstdc++`. The Makefile is set up for clang, but gcc should also work. Required Packages: clang make `make` builds the library to `build/lib` and copies all needed header files to `build/inc` Run `make run` to build and run the example program specified by `$TESTSOURCE` in the Makefile. It is not compiled against the library, but just statically linked with the .o-files for easier debugging. The same example-programs can also be linked with the dynamic library by using the Makefile in `example/`. To build the documentation, install `doxygen` and run `make doc`. ## Installation The `makefile` provides a `install` target, which installs headers in `/usr/include/` and the binary in `/usr/lib`. `PREFIX` can be set to alter install location. PKGBUILD scripts are provided in `packaging` for easy installation on Arch-based systems.