#include "cRender.h" cRender::cRender(char _backound, WORD _color, int _sx, int _sy) { bBlockRender = false; //If this Constructor is used, this instance is not inherited, thus render() doesn't need to be blocked iLastError = _OK_; sizeX = 0; sizeY = 0; cBackound = _backound; wBackColor = _color; #ifdef __linux__ //In Linux, setting Console size is not supported, so it gets Size of Console (Window) instead. struct winsize w; ioctl(STDOUT_FILENO, TIOCGWINSZ, &w); wDefColor = _COL_DEFAULT; setBufferSize( getConsoleWindowSize() ); if(sizeX < _sx || sizeY < _sy) //Notify Program tha screen is too small for desired Size iLastError = _ERR_SCREEN_TOO_SMALL_; setConsoleCursor(false); #elif _WIN32 //Windows Specific Code hstdout = GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE); //get handle GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo(hstdout, &csbi); //get current console settings wDefColor = csbi.wAttributes; //Get default console color SetConsoleWindowSize(_sx + 1, _sy + 1); //set the windows size to _sx * _sy (+1 so no scrolling accurs) setBufferSize({_sx,_sy}); #endif setConsoleEcho(false); clear(true); //Init backround array //forceReRender(); }//render() cRender::cRender() {} cRender::~cRender() { //Free allocated memory if(bBlockRender) return; for (int i = 0; i < sizeX; i++) { free(cScreen[i]); free(wColor[i]); free(bChanged[i]); } free(cScreen); free(wColor); free(bChanged); setConsoleEcho(true); #ifdef __linux__ setConsoleCursor(true); #endif } int cRender::drawPoint(char _c, sPos _pos, bool _overrideCollision, WORD _color) { if (_pos.x >= sizeX || _pos.y >= sizeY || _pos.x < 0 || _pos.y < 0) return _ERR_COORDINATES_INVALID_; if (cScreen[_pos.x][_pos.y] != cBackound && _overrideCollision != true) //detect Collsision return _COLLISION_; cScreen[_pos.x][_pos.y] = _c; if (_color == _COL_DEFAULT) //_COL_DEFAULT is NOT a proper colorcode! wColor[_pos.x][_pos.y] = wDefColor; else wColor[_pos.x][_pos.y] = _color; if(!bBlockRender) //Changemap is not allocated in inherited Classes bChanged[_pos.x][_pos.y] = true; return 0; } int cRender::drawLine(char _c, sPos _pos1, sPos _pos2, bool _overrideCollision, WORD _color) { if (_pos1.x == _pos2.x) { //Horizontal line for (int i = _pos1.y; i <= _pos2.y; i++) { drawPoint(_c, sPos{_pos1.x, i}, _overrideCollision, _color); } } else if (_pos1.y == _pos2.y) { //Vertical line for (int i = _pos1.x; i <= _pos2.x; i++) { drawPoint(_c, sPos{ i, _pos1.y }, _overrideCollision, _color); } } else { //Diagonal Line int dX = _pos1.x - _pos2.x; int dY = _pos1.y - _pos2.y; float fGradient = (float)dY / (float)dX; for (int i = 0; i <= abs(dX); i++) { drawPoint(_c, sPos{i + _pos1.x, (int)(i * fGradient + _pos1.y + 0.5)}, _overrideCollision, _color); //+0.5 for rounding error } } return 0; } int cRender::drawText(string _s, sPos _pos, WORD _color) { for (int i = 0; i < _s.length(); i++) { drawPoint(_s[i], sPos{ i + _pos.x,_pos.y }, true, _color); } return 0; } int cRender::drawRectangle(char _border, char _fill, sPos _pos1, sPos _pos2, WORD _borderColor, WORD _fillColor) { //Draw the four outside lines drawLine(_border, _pos1, sPos{ _pos1.x, _pos2.y }, true, _borderColor); drawLine(_border, _pos1, sPos{ _pos2.x, _pos1.y }, true, _borderColor); drawLine(_border, sPos{ _pos1.x, _pos2.y }, _pos2, true, _borderColor); drawLine(_border, sPos{ _pos2.x, _pos1.y }, _pos2, true, _borderColor); //Fill rectangle if _fill isn't NULL if (_fill) { for (int i = _pos1.y + 1; i < _pos2.y; i++) { for (int o = _pos1.x + 1; o < _pos2.x; o++) { drawPoint(_fill, sPos{ o,i }, true, _fillColor); } } } return 0; } int cRender::render(void) { if (bBlockRender) return _ERR_RENDER_BLOCKED_BY_CHILD_; setBufferSize(getConsoleWindowSize()); for (int i = 0; i < sizeY; i++) { for (int o = 0; o < sizeX; o++) { gotoxy(o,i); //Moving this out of if fixed Render problem... Not optimal, though better for performance if(bChanged[o][i]) { #ifdef _WIN32 SetConsoleTextAttribute(hstdout, wColor[o][i] | _COL_INTENSITY); //cout << cScreen[o][i]; printf("%c", cScreen[o][i]); #elif __linux__ //cout << "\033["<< wColor[o][i] <<"m"<< cScreen[o][i]; printf("\033[%im%c", wColor[o][i], cScreen[o][i]); #endif } bChanged[o][i] = false; } } return 0; } int cRender::clear(bool _forceReRender) { for (int i = 0; i < sizeY; i++) { for (int o = 0; o < sizeX; o++) { if(((cScreen[o][i] == cBackound) && (wColor[o][i] == wBackColor)) && !_forceReRender) bChanged[o][i] = false; else { cScreen[o][i] = cBackound; wColor[o][i] = wBackColor; bChanged[o][i] = true; } } } return 0; } int cRender::clear() { return clear(false); } #ifdef _WIN32 //Source: http://www.cplusplus.com/forum/windows/121444/ int cRender::SetConsoleWindowSize(int x, int y) { HANDLE h = GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE); if (h == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) return 1; CONSOLE_SCREEN_BUFFER_INFO bufferInfo; if (!GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo(h, &bufferInfo)) return 1; SMALL_RECT& winInfo = bufferInfo.srWindow; COORD windowSize = { winInfo.Right - winInfo.Left + 1, winInfo.Bottom - winInfo.Top + 1 }; if (windowSize.X > x || windowSize.Y > y) { // window size needs to be adjusted before the buffer size can be reduced. SMALL_RECT info = { 0, 0, x < windowSize.X ? x - 1 : windowSize.X - 1, y < windowSize.Y ? y - 1 : windowSize.Y - 1 }; if (!SetConsoleWindowInfo(h, TRUE, &info)) return 1; } COORD size = { x, y }; if (!SetConsoleScreenBufferSize(h, size)) return 1; SMALL_RECT info = { 0, 0, x - 1, y - 1 }; if (!SetConsoleWindowInfo(h, TRUE, &info)) return 1; } #endif int cRender::getLastError() { return iLastError; } #ifdef _WIN32 void cRender::gotoxy( int x, int y ) { COORD p = { x, y }; SetConsoleCursorPosition( GetStdHandle( STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE ), p ); } #elif __linux__ void cRender::gotoxy( int x, int y ) { int err; if (!cur_term) setupterm( NULL, STDOUT_FILENO, &err ); putp( tparm( tigetstr( "cup" ), y, x, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ) ); } sPos cRender::getConsoleWindowSize() { struct winsize w; ioctl(STDOUT_FILENO, TIOCGWINSZ, &w); return {w.ws_col, w.ws_row}; } #endif void cRender::setBufferSize(sPos _size) { if(_size.x == sizeX && _size.y == sizeY) return; if(sizeX!=0 && sizeY!=0) //resize. delete first { for (int i = 0; i < sizeX; i++) { free(cScreen[i]); free(wColor[i]); free(bChanged[i]); } free(cScreen); free(wColor); free(bChanged); } sizeX = _size.x; sizeY = _size.y; //Initialize 2D array cScreen = (char**)malloc(sizeof *cScreen * sizeX); for (int i = 0; i < sizeX; i++) cScreen[i] = (char*)malloc(sizeof *cScreen[i] * sizeY); wColor = (WORD**)malloc(sizeof *wColor * sizeX); for (int i = 0; i < sizeX; i++) wColor[i] = (WORD*)malloc(sizeof *wColor[i] * sizeY); bChanged = (bool**)malloc(sizeof *bChanged * sizeX); for (int i = 0; i < sizeX; i++) bChanged[i] = (bool*)malloc(sizeof *bChanged[i] * sizeY); clear(true); } sPos cRender::getSize() { return {sizeX, sizeY}; } void cRender::forceReRender() { for (int i = 0; i < sizeY; i++) { for (int o = 0; o < sizeX; o++) { bChanged[o][i] = true; } } } void cRender::setConsoleEcho(bool _enable) { #ifdef WIN32 HANDLE hStdin = GetStdHandle(STD_INPUT_HANDLE); DWORD mode; GetConsoleMode(hStdin, &mode); if( !_enable ) mode &= ~ENABLE_ECHO_INPUT; else mode |= ENABLE_ECHO_INPUT; SetConsoleMode(hStdin, mode ); #else struct termios tty; tcgetattr(STDIN_FILENO, &tty); if( !_enable ) tty.c_lflag &= ~ECHO; else tty.c_lflag |= ECHO; (void) tcsetattr(STDIN_FILENO, TCSANOW, &tty); #endif } void cRender::setConsoleCursor(bool _enable) { _enable ? write (STDOUT_FILENO, "\e[?25h", 6) : write (STDOUT_FILENO, "\e[?25l", 6); }