diff options
8 files changed, 83 insertions, 10 deletions
diff --git a/.compton.conf b/.compton.conf
index 2b731b3..f8fb09d 100644
--- a/.compton.conf
+++ b/.compton.conf
@@ -84,6 +84,7 @@ shadow-exclude = [
"name *= 'compton'",
"name *= 'Chromium'",
"name *= 'Chrome'",
+ "name *= 'i3bar'",
"class_g = 'Firefox' && argb",
"class_g = 'Conky'",
"class_g = 'Kupfer'",
@@ -126,10 +127,10 @@ blur-background-exclude = [
blur-kern = "7x7box";
blur-method = "kawase";
-blur-strength = 5;
+blur-strength = 10;
opacity-rule = [
- "70:class_g *= 'XTerm'"
diff --git a/.i3/config b/.i3/config
index 6ac936a..d0d2ed3 100644
--- a/.i3/config
+++ b/.i3/config
@@ -7,10 +7,10 @@ font pango:monospace 9
floating_modifier $mod
# start a terminal
-bindsym $mod+Return exec "xterm"
+bindsym $mod+Return exec "termite"
#start ranger
-bindsym $mod+o exec "xterm -e ranger"
+bindsym $mod+o exec "termite -e ranger"
#start browser
bindsym $mod+b exec "brave"
@@ -123,7 +123,7 @@ bindsym $mod+Shift+c reload
bindsym $mod+Shift+r restart
# exit i3 (logs you out of your X session)
#bindsym $mod+Shift+e exec "i3-nagbar -t warning -m 'You pressed the exit shortcut. Do you really want to exit i3? This will end your X session.' -B 'Yes, exit i3' 'i3-msg exit'"
-bindsym $mod+Shift+e exec $(printf "shutdown now\nreboot\ni3-msg exit" | rofi -dmenu -mesg "Exit?")
+bindsym $mod+Shift+e exec $(printf "shutdown now\nreboot\ni3-msg exit\nkillall compton" | rofi -dmenu -mesg "Exit?")
# resize window (you can also use the mouse for that)
mode "resize" {
@@ -293,7 +293,7 @@ set $black #000000
set $grey #151515
# border background text indicator
-client.focused $grey $black $tf $black
+client.focused $grey $black $tf $black
client.unfocused $bg $bg $tf $id
client.focused_inactive $bg $bg $pk $id
client.urgent $yw $yw $tx $id
@@ -301,6 +301,10 @@ client.placeholder $bg $bg $bg $bg
client.background $black
default_border none
+default_floating_border none
+for_window [class="feh"] floating enable
gaps inner 15
bar {
diff --git a/.vim/vimrc b/.vim/vimrc
index 2fa11cc..c604dea 100644
--- a/.vim/vimrc
+++ b/.vim/vimrc
@@ -67,6 +67,12 @@ nmap <silent> <F4> :tabnew<CR>
" ===========
+command -bar InsertHeader call Fileheader()
+function Fileheader()
+ cursor(1,1)
" Command HEXMODE
command -bar Hexmode call ToggleHex()
diff --git a/install.sh b/install.sh
index a253723..7de9fe7 100755
--- a/install.sh
+++ b/install.sh
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
MODULES=(.i3 .vim .xinitrc .compton.conf .bashrc .Xresources .radare2rc .bash_profile)
#Configs for .config
-CFGFOLDER=(polybar powerline nvim)
+CFGFOLDER=(polybar powerline nvim termite)
diff --git a/powerline/colors.json b/powerline/colors.json
index 1564f18..744e611 100644
--- a/powerline/colors.json
+++ b/powerline/colors.json
@@ -36,9 +36,9 @@
"yellow": 11,
"brightyellow": 220,
- "gray0": 233,
+ "gray0": [233, "12121270"],
"gray1": 235,
- "gray2": 236,
+ "gray2": [236, "30303070"],
"gray3": 239,
"gray4": 240,
"gray5": 241,
diff --git a/powerline/colorschemes/jonas.json b/powerline/colorschemes/jonas.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e21fa61
--- /dev/null
+++ b/powerline/colorschemes/jonas.json
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+ "name": "jonas",
+ "groups": {
+ "information:additional": { "fg": "gray9", "bg": "gray4", "attrs": [] },
+ "information:regular": { "fg": "gray10", "bg": "gray4", "attrs": ["bold"] },
+ "information:highlighted": { "fg": "white", "bg": "gray4", "attrs": [] },
+ "information:priority": { "fg": "brightyellow", "bg": "mediumorange", "attrs": [] },
+ "warning:regular": { "fg": "white", "bg": "brightred", "attrs": ["bold"] },
+ "critical:failure": { "fg": "white", "bg": "darkestred", "attrs": [] },
+ "critical:success": { "fg": "white", "bg": "darkestgreen", "attrs": [] },
+ "background": { "fg": "white", "bg": "gray0", "attrs": [] },
+ "background:divider": { "fg": "gray5", "bg": "gray0", "attrs": [] },
+ "session": { "fg": "black", "bg": "gray10", "attrs": ["bold"] },
+ "date": { "fg": "gray8", "bg": "gray2", "attrs": [] },
+ "time": { "fg": "gray10", "bg": "gray2", "attrs": ["bold"] },
+ "time:divider": { "fg": "gray5", "bg": "gray2", "attrs": [] },
+ "email_alert": "warning:regular",
+ "email_alert_gradient": { "fg": "white", "bg": "yellow_orange_red", "attrs": ["bold"] },
+ "hostname": { "fg": "black", "bg": "gray10", "attrs": ["bold"] },
+ "weather": { "fg": "gray8", "bg": "gray0", "attrs": [] },
+ "weather_temp_gradient": { "fg": "blue_red", "bg": "gray0", "attrs": [] },
+ "weather_condition_hot": { "fg": "khaki1", "bg": "gray0", "attrs": [] },
+ "weather_condition_snowy": { "fg": "skyblue1", "bg": "gray0", "attrs": [] },
+ "weather_condition_rainy": { "fg": "skyblue1", "bg": "gray0", "attrs": [] },
+ "uptime": { "fg": "gray8", "bg": "gray0", "attrs": [] },
+ "external_ip": { "fg": "gray8", "bg": "gray0", "attrs": [] },
+ "internal_ip": { "fg": "gray8", "bg": "gray0", "attrs": [] },
+ "network_load": { "fg": "gray8", "bg": "gray0", "attrs": [] },
+ "network_load_gradient": { "fg": "green_yellow_orange_red", "bg": "gray0", "attrs": [] },
+ "network_load_sent_gradient": "network_load_gradient",
+ "network_load_recv_gradient": "network_load_gradient",
+ "network_load:divider": "background:divider",
+ "system_load": { "fg": "gray8", "bg": "gray0", "attrs": [] },
+ "system_load_gradient": { "fg": "green_yellow_orange_red", "bg": "gray0", "attrs": [] },
+ "environment": { "fg": "gray8", "bg": "gray0", "attrs": [] },
+ "cpu_load_percent": { "fg": "gray8", "bg": "gray0", "attrs": [] },
+ "cpu_load_percent_gradient": { "fg": "green_yellow_orange_red", "bg": "gray0", "attrs": [] },
+ "battery": { "fg": "gray8", "bg": "gray0", "attrs": [] },
+ "battery_gradient": { "fg": "white_red", "bg": "gray0", "attrs": [] },
+ "battery_full": { "fg": "red", "bg": "gray0", "attrs": [] },
+ "battery_empty": { "fg": "white", "bg": "gray0", "attrs": [] },
+ "player": { "fg": "gray10", "bg": "black", "attrs": [] },
+ "user": { "fg": "white", "bg": "darkblue", "attrs": ["bold"] },
+ "branch": { "fg": "gray9", "bg": "gray2", "attrs": [] },
+ "branch_dirty": { "fg": "brightyellow", "bg": "gray2", "attrs": [] },
+ "branch_clean": { "fg": "gray9", "bg": "gray2", "attrs": [] },
+ "branch:divider": { "fg": "gray7", "bg": "gray2", "attrs": [] },
+ "stash": "branch_dirty",
+ "stash:divider": "branch:divider",
+ "cwd": "information:additional",
+ "cwd:current_folder": "information:regular",
+ "cwd:divider": { "fg": "gray7", "bg": "gray4", "attrs": [] },
+ "virtualenv": { "fg": "white", "bg": "darkcyan", "attrs": [] },
+ "attached_clients": { "fg": "gray8", "bg": "gray0", "attrs": [] }
+ }
diff --git a/powerline/config.json b/powerline/config.json
index 4491885..7e36d4c 100644
--- a/powerline/config.json
+++ b/powerline/config.json
@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@
"wm": {
- "colorscheme": "default",
+ "colorscheme": "jonas",
"theme": "default",
"update_interval": 2
diff --git a/termite/config b/termite/config
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a332f1b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/termite/config
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+foreground = #ffffff
+background = rgba (0,0,0,0.4)
+font = DejaVu Sans Mono for Powerline 12