diff options
1 files changed, 431 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/contrib/check_citrix b/contrib/check_citrix
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..42d582eb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/check_citrix
@@ -0,0 +1,431 @@
+#!/usr/bin/perl -w
+# $Id$
+# $Log$
+# Revision 1.1 2002/11/29 12:02:00 stanleyhopcroft
+# New plugin to check the ICA browse service (used by Citrix Metaframe servers) from
+# Ed Rolison and Tom De Blende.
+# Ed Rolison 15/06/02
+# ed@nightstalker.net
+# If it doesn't work, please let me know, I've only had access to my
+# environment so I'm not 100% sure.
+# If you want to mess around with this script, then please feel free
+# to do so.
+# However, if you add anything 'funky' then I'd really appreciate
+# hearing about it.
+# Oh, and if you do ever make huge amounts of money out of it, cut me
+# in :)
+use strict ;
+use IO::Socket;
+use IO::Select;
+use FileHandle;
+use Getopt::Long ;
+use vars qw($opt_H $opt_B $opt_W $opt_T $debug @citrix_servers $crit_pub_apps $warn_pub_apps $long_list);
+use utils qw(%ERRORS &print_revision &support &usage);
+my $PROGNAME = 'check_citrix' ;
+sub print_help ();
+sub print_usage ();
+sub help ();
+sub version ();
+delete @ENV{'PATH', 'IFS', 'CDPATH', 'ENV', 'BASH_ENV'};
+# You might have to change this...
+use constant PACKET_TIMEOUT => 1;
+ # Number of seconds to wait for further UDP packets
+use constant TEST_COUNT => 2;
+ # Number of datagrams sent without reply
+use constant BUFFER_SIZE => 1500;
+ # buffer size used for 'recv' calls.
+use constant LONG_LIST => 0 ;
+ # this is for if you have many published applications.
+ # if you set it, it won't do any harm, but may slow the test
+ # down a little. (Since it does a 'recv' twice instead of
+ # once and therefore may have to wait for a timeout).
+use constant ICA_PORT => 1604;
+ # what port ICA runs on. Unlikely to change.
+# End user config.
+Getopt::Long::Configure('bundling', 'no_ignore_case');
+ ("V|version" => \&version,
+ "h|help" => \&help,
+ "d|debug" => \$debug,
+ "B|broadcast_addr:s" => \$opt_B,
+ "C|citrix_servers:s" => \@citrix_servers,
+ "L|long_list" => \$long_list,
+ "P|crit_pub_apps:s" => \$crit_pub_apps,
+ "T|Packet_timeout:i" => \$opt_T,
+ "W|warn_pub_apps:s" => \$warn_pub_apps,
+) ;
+# configuration section
+my $broadcast_addr = $1 if $opt_B and $opt_B =~ m#(\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+)# ;
+usage("Invalid broadcast address: $opt_B\n") if $opt_B and not defined($broadcast_addr) ;
+usage("You must provide either the names of citrix servers or the broadcast address of the subnet containing them\n")
+ unless (@citrix_servers or $broadcast_addr) ;
+my @target = defined $broadcast_addr ? ($broadcast_addr) : @citrix_servers ;
+usage("You must provide the names of the published applications that the Citrix browser should be advertising\n")
+ unless $crit_pub_apps or $warn_pub_apps ;
+my $Timeout = $opt_T if defined $opt_T ;
+$Timeout = PACKET_TIMEOUT unless defined $Timeout ;
+$long_list = LONG_LIST unless defined $long_list ;
+my @crit_pub_apps = $crit_pub_apps ? split(/,/, $crit_pub_apps) : () ;
+my @warn_pub_apps = $warn_pub_apps ? split(/,/, $warn_pub_apps) : () ;
+# definitions of query strings. Change at your own risk :)
+# this info was gathered with tcpdump whilst trying to use an ICA client,
+# so I'm not 100% sure of what each value is.
+my @bcast_helo = &tethereal2list(<<'End_of_Tethereal_trace', '1e') ;
+0020 ff ff 04 d6 06 44 00 26 4a 76 1e 00 01 30 02 fd .....D.&Jv...0..
+0030 a8 e3 00 02 f5 95 9f f5 30 07 00 00 00 00 00 00 ........0.......
+0040 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 00
+my @bcast_query_app = &tethereal2list(<<'End_of_Tethereal_trace', '24') ;
+0020 64 17 04 50 06 44 00 2c 85 6a 24 00 01 32 02 fd d..P.D.,.j$..2..
+0030 a8 e3 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
+0040 00 00 00 00 00 00 21 00 02 00 00 00 00 00 ......!......
+my @direct_helo = &tethereal2list(<<'End_of_Tethereal_trace', '20') ;
+0020 64 17 05 0f 06 44 00 28 ab b5 20 00 01 30 02 fd d....D.(.. ..0..
+0030 a8 e3 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
+0040 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
+my @direct_query_app = &tethereal2list(<<'End_of_Tethereal_trace', '2c') ;
+0020 64 17 05 10 06 44 00 34 7a 9a 2c 00 02 32 02 fd d....D.4z.,..2..
+0030 a8 e3 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
+0040 00 00 00 00 00 00 21 00 02 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 ......!.........
+0050 00 00 00 00 00 00
+my $Udp = IO::Socket::INET->new( Proto => 'udp' ) || die "Socket failure: $!";
+# select is here to allow us to set timeouts on the connections. Otherwise they
+# just 'stop' until a server appears.
+my $select = IO::Select->new($Udp) || die "Select failure: $!";
+# helo needs to be broadcast, but query does not.
+$Udp->sockopt(SO_BROADCAST, 1 );
+my ($remote_host, $buff, $buff2, $raddr, $rport, $rhost, @remote_response);
+my (@query_message, $send_addr, $this_test) ;
+$buff = $buff2 = '';
+$this_test = 0;
+# If there is no response to the first helo packet it will be resent
+# up to TEST_COUNT (see at the top).
+while ( ++$this_test <= TEST_COUNT && !$buff ) {
+ print "Sending helo datagram. datagram number: ", $this_test, "\n" if $debug ;
+ # if we have multiple targets, we probe each of them until we get a
+ # response...
+ foreach my $destination (@target) {
+ @query_message = ( $broadcast_addr ? @bcast_helo : @direct_helo) ;
+ print "Querying $destination for master browser\n" if $debug ;
+ $send_addr = sockaddr_in(ICA_PORT, inet_aton($destination) );
+ &dump(pack('C*', @query_message)) if $debug ;
+ $Udp->send( pack('C*', @query_message), 0, $send_addr );
+ if ( $select->can_read($Timeout) ) {
+ $remote_host = $Udp->recv($buff, BUFFER_SIZE, 0 );
+ }
+ last if $buff ;
+ sleep 1 ;
+ } # foreach destination
+} # while loop
+# ok we've looped several times, looking for a response. If we don't have one
+# yet, we simply mark the whole lot as being unavailable.
+unless ( $buff ) {
+ print "Failed. No response to helo datagram (master browser query) from ", $broadcast_addr ? $broadcast_addr : "@citrix_servers", ".\n" ;
+($rport, $raddr) = sockaddr_in( $remote_host );
+$rhost = gethostbyaddr( $raddr, AF_INET );
+my @tmpbuf = unpack('C*', $buff );
+if ( $debug ) {
+ print "$rhost:$rport responded with: ",length($buff), " bytes\n";
+ &dump($buff) ;
+} #if debug
+# now we have a response, then we need to figure out the master browser, and
+# query it for published applications...
+my $master_browser = join '.', @tmpbuf[32..35] ;
+# ok should probably error check this, because it's remotely possible
+# that a server response might be completely wrong...
+print "Master browser = $master_browser\n" if $debug ;
+$send_addr = sockaddr_in(ICA_PORT, inet_aton($master_browser));
+if ( $broadcast_addr ) {
+ print "using broadcast query\n" if $debug ;
+ @query_message = @bcast_query_app;
+} else {
+ print "using directed query\n" if $debug ;
+ @query_message = @direct_query_app;
+# now we send the appropriate query string, to the master browser we've found.
+$buff = '';
+$this_test = 0 ;
+print "Querying master browser for published application list\n" if $debug ;
+while ( ++$this_test <= TEST_COUNT && !$buff ) {
+ print "Sending application query datagram. datagram number: ", $this_test, "\n" if $debug ;
+ &dump(pack('C*', @query_message)) if $debug ;
+ $Udp->send( pack ('C*', @query_message), 0, $send_addr );
+ if ( $select->can_read($Timeout) ) {
+ $remote_host = $Udp->recv($buff, BUFFER_SIZE, 0 );
+ # $buff = substr($buff, 32) ;
+ # Hope that ICA preamble is first 32 bytes
+ }
+ # long application lists are delivered in multiple packets
+ my $buff2 = '' ;
+ while ( $long_list && $select->can_read($Timeout) ) {
+ $remote_host = $Udp->recv($buff2, BUFFER_SIZE, 0 );
+ $buff .= $buff2 if $buff2 ;
+ # $buff .= substr($buff2, 32) if $buff2 ;
+ # Hope that ICA preamble is first 32 bytes
+ }
+ last if $buff ;
+ sleep 1 ;
+} # while test_count
+unless ( $buff ) {
+ print "Failed. No response to application query datagram from ", $master_browser, ".\n" ;
+# we got a response from a couple of retries of the app query
+($rport, $raddr) = sockaddr_in ( $remote_host );
+$rhost = gethostbyaddr ( $raddr, AF_INET );
+if ( $debug ) {
+ print "$rhost:$rport responded to app query with: ",length($buff), " bytes\n";
+ &dump($buff) ;
+} #debug
+my $app_list = $buff ;
+ # delete nulls in unicode
+ # but only if there is unicode (usually from
+ # broadcast query)
+$app_list =~ s/(?:(\w| |-)\x00)/$1/g
+ if $app_list =~ /(?:(?:(?:\w| |-)\x00){3,})/ ;
+ # FIXME an application name is
+ # 3 or more unicoded characters
+ # FIXME locale
+ # extract null terminated strings
+my (@clean_app_list, $clean_app_list) ;
+$clean_app_list = join(',', @clean_app_list = $app_list =~ m#([A-Za-z](?:\w| |-|[ÄÖÜäöüß])+?(?=\x00))#g ) ;
+ # patch for German umlauts et al from Herr Mike Gerber.
+# $clean_app_list = join(',', @clean_app_list = $app_list =~ m#([A-Z](?:\w| |-)+?(?=\x00))#g ) ;
+ # FIXME everyones apps don't start with caps
+print qq(Received list of applications: "$clean_app_list".\n) if $debug ;
+if ( scalar @crit_pub_apps and my @missing = &simple_diff(\@clean_app_list, \@crit_pub_apps) ) {
+ print qq(Failed. "@missing" not found in list of published applications),
+ qq( "$clean_app_list" from master browser "$master_browser".\n) ;
+if ( my @missing = &simple_diff(\@clean_app_list, \@warn_pub_apps) ) {
+ print qq(Warning. "@missing" not found in list of published applications),
+ qq( "$clean_app_list" from master browser "$master_browser".\n) ;
+my @x = (@crit_pub_apps, @warn_pub_apps) ;
+my $blah = ( scalar(@x) == 1 ? 'the published application "' . join(',', @x) . '" is available' :
+ 'the published applications "' . join(',', @x) . '" are available' ) ;
+print qq(Ok. Citrix master browser "$master_browser" reported that $blah.\n) ;
+exit $ERRORS{OK} ;
+# sleep $Timeout;
+ # because otherwise we can get responses from
+ # the WRONG servers. DOH
+close $Udp;
+sub print_usage () {
+ print "Usage: $PROGNAME (-B <broadcast_address>| -C <citrix_server>..) -W <pub_app1,pub_app2..> -P <pub_app1,pub_app2,>\n";
+sub print_help () {
+ print_revision($PROGNAME,'$Revision$ ');
+ print "Copyright (c) 2002 Ed Rolison/Tom De Blende/Karl DeBisschop/S Hopcroft
+Perl Check Citrix plugin for NetSaint.
+Returns OK if the Citrix master browser returns a 'published application' list that contain names specified by the -W or -P options
+The plugin works by
+ If the -B option is specified, sending a broadcast helo to find the address of the Citrix master browser in the specified subnet.
+ return critical if there is no reply;
+ Else if the -C option is specified
+ send a direct helo to the specified server until there is a response (containing the address of the Citrix master browser)
+ Query the master browser (using a 'broadcast published applications query ' if -B) and compare the published applications returned
+ to those specified by -W and -P options
+ return Critical if the published applications specified by -P is not a subset of the query responses;
+ return Warning if the published applications specified by -W is not a subset of the query responses;
+ return OK
+ print_usage();
+ print '
+-B, --broadcast_address=STRING
+ The broadcast address that should contain Citrix master browser. This option takes precedence over -C.
+-C, --citrix_server:STRING
+ Optional __name(s)__ of Citrix servers that could be the master browser (used when broadcast not possible).
+-L, --long_list
+ Set this if you have heaps of published applications (ie more than will fit in _one_ UDP packet)
+-P, --crit_published_app=STRING
+ Optional comma separated list of published application that must be in the response from the master browser.
+ Check returns critical otherwise.
+-T, --packet-timeout:INTEGER
+ Time to wait for UDP packets (default 1 sec).
+-W, --warn_published_app=STRING
+ Optional comma separated list of published application that should be in the response from the master browser.
+ Check returns warning otherwise.
+-d, --debug
+ Debugging output.
+-h, --help
+ This stuff.
+ support();
+sub version () {
+ print_revision($PROGNAME,'$Revision$ ');
+ exit $ERRORS{'OK'};
+sub help () {
+ print_help();
+ exit $ERRORS{'OK'};
+sub dump {
+ my ($x) = shift @_ ;
+ my (@x, @y, $y, $i, $rowcount) ;
+ my ($nr, $j, $number_in_row, $number_of_bytes) ;
+ my $dump ;
+ $number_in_row = 16 ;
+ $number_of_bytes = length $x ;
+ $nr = 0 ;
+ # styled on tethereal.
+ foreach $j (1 .. int( $number_of_bytes / $number_in_row) ) {
+ $y = substr($x, ($j - 1)*$number_in_row, $number_in_row) ;
+ @y = unpack("C*", $y) ;
+ $y =~ tr /\x00-\x19/./ ;
+ $rowcount = sprintf("%4.4x", ($j - 1) * 0x10 ) ;
+ $dump .= sprintf "%s %s %s\n", $rowcount, join(" ", map { sprintf "%2.2x", $_} @y), $y ;
+ $nr++ ;
+ }
+ if ( $number_of_bytes % $number_in_row > 0 ) {
+ my $spaces_to_text = $number_in_row * 3 - 1 + 3 ;
+ $rowcount = sprintf("%4.4x", $nr * 0x10 ) ;
+ $y = substr($x, $nr * $number_in_row ) ;
+ @y = unpack("C*", $y) ;
+ my $bytes = join(" ", map { sprintf "%2.2x", $_} @y) ;
+ my $spaces = ' ' x ($spaces_to_text - length($bytes)) ;
+ $dump .= sprintf "%s %s%s%s\n", $rowcount, $bytes, $spaces, $y ;
+ }
+ print $dump, "\n" ;
+sub tethereal2list {
+ my ($tethereal_dump, $start_byte) = @_ ;
+ # return an array containing qw(0xef 0xab 0x00 ...) from a tethereal trace.
+ # skip all stuff until the first byte given by $start_byte.
+ return undef unless $tethereal_dump =~ /\d\d\d\d \S\S(?: \S\S){1,15}/ ;
+ my $hex_start_byte = hex($start_byte) ;
+ my @x = $tethereal_dump =~ m#(.+)#g ;
+ my @y = map unpack("x6 a47", $_), @x ;
+ my @z = map { my $y = $_; $y =~ s/(\S\S)/hex($1)/eg; my @a = split(' ', $y); @a } @y ;
+ shift @z, while $z[0] ne $hex_start_byte ;
+ @z ;
+sub simple_diff {
+ my ( $a_list, $b_list) = @_ ;
+ # simple set difference 'Recipe 4.7 Perl Cookbook', Christiansen and Torkington
+ my (%seen, @missing) ;
+ @seen{@$a_list} = () ;
+ foreach my $item (@$b_list) {
+ push @missing, $item unless exists $seen{$item} ;
+ }
+ @missing ;