diff options
2 files changed, 101 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/case_base.scad b/case_base.scad
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..caab33a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/case_base.scad
@@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
+$fn = 50;
+use <gridfinity.scad>
+// Change these
+ux = 2; //Minimum is 2!
+uy = 1;
+// (hopefully) no changes needed below
+// If you want weird heights, adjust added_thickness.
+// Dont't forget to adjust clip offsets accordingly!
+uz = 2;
+added_thickness = 0;
+magnets = false;
+clip_d = 6;
+clip_l = 50;
+mount_thickness = 4;
+mount_length = 7;
+clip_thickness = 2;
+clip_width = 40;
+clip_tolerance = 0.5;
+clip_bottom_width = 10;
+clip_top_width = 15;
+// should be aroung 7, since we use 1GF unit as base.
+clip_mount_resulting_offset = 8.5;
+clip_bottom_angle = 220;
+clip_top_angle = 180;
+module top_block(units_x, units_y,) {
+ translate([coord_centered(units_x), coord_centered(units_y), gf_top(uz)]) {
+ linear_extrude(added_thickness)
+ top_block_2d(units_x, units_y);
+ }
+module base_plate() {
+ difference() {
+ union() {
+ gridfinity(ux, uy, uz, lip=false, magnets=magnets);
+ if (added_thickness > 0) {
+ top_block(ux,uy);
+ }
+ }
+ union() {
+ for (ix = [0:ux-1]) {
+ for (iy = [0:uy-1]) {
+ translate(gf_offset(ix,iy,uz)) translate([0,0,-4.4 + added_thickness]) stacking_lip_negative(1,1);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+module clip_mount() {
+ translate([0,-mount_length,clip_d/2]) {
+ rotate([0,90,0]) translate([0,0,-clip_l/2]) cylinder(h=clip_l, d=clip_d);
+ translate([clip_l/2-mount_thickness,0,-clip_d/2]) cube([mount_thickness,mount_length,clip_d]);
+ translate([-clip_l/2,0,-clip_d/2]) cube([mount_thickness,mount_length,clip_d]);
+ }
+module round_clipper(angle, width) {
+ translate([0,0,clip_d/2 + clip_thickness+clip_tolerance/2]) rotate([0,90,0]) rotate_extrude(angle=angle)
+ translate([(clip_d + clip_tolerance)/2,0,0]) square([clip_thickness, width]);
+module clip(units_z) {
+ resulting_height = units_z*7 + clip_mount_resulting_offset;
+ linear_extrude(clip_thickness) {
+ polygon([[0,0],[clip_bottom_width,0],
+ [clip_width/2 + clip_top_width/2,resulting_height],
+ [clip_width/2 - clip_top_width/2,resulting_height] ]);
+ polygon([[clip_width - clip_bottom_width,0],[clip_width ,0],
+ [clip_width/2 + clip_top_width/2,resulting_height],
+ [clip_width/2 - clip_top_width/2,resulting_height] ]);
+ }
+ round_clipper(-clip_bottom_angle, clip_bottom_width);
+ translate([clip_width - clip_bottom_width,0,0])
+ round_clipper(-clip_bottom_angle, clip_bottom_width);
+ translate([clip_width/2 - clip_top_width/2, resulting_height,0])
+ round_clipper(clip_top_angle,clip_top_width);
+translate([gf_center(ux, uy).x,-20.75,4.75]) clip_mount();
+translate([gf_center(ux, uy).x,(42*uy) - 21.25,4.75]) mirror([0,1,0]) clip_mount();
diff --git a/case_clip.scad b/case_clip.scad
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d3b607f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/case_clip.scad
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+use <case_base.scad>
+height = 4;