path: root/autoload/acp.vim
diff options
authorGravatar jonas <himself@jonasgunz.de> 2019-04-28 16:30:39 +0200
committerGravatar jonas <himself@jonasgunz.de> 2019-04-28 16:30:39 +0200
commite308edae47be0929d007dee548239cd9004aba4d (patch)
tree3f7aa10138ebeb553fa2c3172f9a8c0127084574 /autoload/acp.vim
parentb5cecd3f2daead59f41d9b2245567346ff50eef1 (diff)
Diffstat (limited to 'autoload/acp.vim')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 431 deletions
diff --git a/autoload/acp.vim b/autoload/acp.vim
deleted file mode 100644
index 827bbcc..0000000
--- a/autoload/acp.vim
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,431 +0,0 @@
-" Copyright (c) 2007-2009 Takeshi NISHIDA
-" LOAD GUARD {{{1
-if exists('g:loaded_autoload_acp') || v:version < 702
- finish
-let g:loaded_autoload_acp = 1
-" }}}1
-function acp#enable()
- call acp#disable()
- augroup AcpGlobalAutoCommand
- autocmd!
- autocmd InsertEnter * unlet! s:posLast s:lastUncompletable
- autocmd InsertLeave * call s:finishPopup(1)
- augroup END
- if g:acp_mappingDriven
- call s:mapForMappingDriven()
- else
- autocmd AcpGlobalAutoCommand CursorMovedI * call s:feedPopup()
- endif
- nnoremap <silent> i i<C-r>=<SID>feedPopup()<CR>
- nnoremap <silent> a a<C-r>=<SID>feedPopup()<CR>
- nnoremap <silent> R R<C-r>=<SID>feedPopup()<CR>
-function acp#disable()
- call s:unmapForMappingDriven()
- augroup AcpGlobalAutoCommand
- autocmd!
- augroup END
- nnoremap i <Nop> | nunmap i
- nnoremap a <Nop> | nunmap a
- nnoremap R <Nop> | nunmap R
-function acp#lock()
- let s:lockCount += 1
-function acp#unlock()
- let s:lockCount -= 1
- if s:lockCount < 0
- let s:lockCount = 0
- throw "AutoComplPop: not locked"
- endif
-function acp#meetsForSnipmate(context)
- if g:acp_behaviorSnipmateLength < 0
- return 0
- endif
- let matches = matchlist(a:context, '\(^\|\s\|\<\)\(\u\{' .
- \ g:acp_behaviorSnipmateLength . ',}\)$')
- return !empty(matches) && !empty(s:getMatchingSnipItems(matches[2]))
-function acp#meetsForKeyword(context)
- if g:acp_behaviorKeywordLength < 0
- return 0
- endif
- let matches = matchlist(a:context, '\(\k\{' . g:acp_behaviorKeywordLength . ',}\)$')
- if empty(matches)
- return 0
- endif
- for ignore in g:acp_behaviorKeywordIgnores
- if stridx(ignore, matches[1]) == 0
- return 0
- endif
- endfor
- return 1
-function acp#meetsForFile(context)
- if g:acp_behaviorFileLength < 0
- return 0
- endif
- if has('win32') || has('win64')
- let separator = '[/\\]'
- else
- let separator = '\/'
- endif
- if a:context !~ '\f' . separator . '\f\{' . g:acp_behaviorFileLength . ',}$'
- return 0
- endif
- return a:context !~ '[*/\\][/\\]\f*$\|[^[:print:]]\f*$'
-function acp#meetsForRubyOmni(context)
- if !has('ruby')
- return 0
- endif
- if g:acp_behaviorRubyOmniMethodLength >= 0 &&
- \ a:context =~ '[^. \t]\(\.\|::\)\k\{' .
- \ g:acp_behaviorRubyOmniMethodLength . ',}$'
- return 1
- endif
- if g:acp_behaviorRubyOmniSymbolLength >= 0 &&
- \ a:context =~ '\(^\|[^:]\):\k\{' .
- \ g:acp_behaviorRubyOmniSymbolLength . ',}$'
- return 1
- endif
- return 0
-function acp#meetsForPythonOmni(context)
- return has('python') && g:acp_behaviorPythonOmniLength >= 0 &&
- \ a:context =~ '\k\.\k\{' . g:acp_behaviorPythonOmniLength . ',}$'
-function acp#meetsForPerlOmni(context)
- return g:acp_behaviorPerlOmniLength >= 0 &&
- \ a:context =~ '\w->\k\{' . g:acp_behaviorPerlOmniLength . ',}$'
-function acp#meetsForXmlOmni(context)
- return g:acp_behaviorXmlOmniLength >= 0 &&
- \ a:context =~ '\(<\|<\/\|<[^>]\+ \|<[^>]\+=\"\)\k\{' .
- \ g:acp_behaviorXmlOmniLength . ',}$'
-function acp#meetsForHtmlOmni(context)
- return g:acp_behaviorHtmlOmniLength >= 0 &&
- \ a:context =~ '\(<\|<\/\|<[^>]\+ \|<[^>]\+=\"\)\k\{' .
- \ g:acp_behaviorHtmlOmniLength . ',}$'
-function acp#meetsForCssOmni(context)
- if g:acp_behaviorCssOmniPropertyLength >= 0 &&
- \ a:context =~ '\(^\s\|[;{]\)\s*\k\{' .
- \ g:acp_behaviorCssOmniPropertyLength . ',}$'
- return 1
- endif
- if g:acp_behaviorCssOmniValueLength >= 0 &&
- \ a:context =~ '[:@!]\s*\k\{' .
- \ g:acp_behaviorCssOmniValueLength . ',}$'
- return 1
- endif
- return 0
-function acp#completeSnipmate(findstart, base)
- if a:findstart
- let s:posSnipmateCompletion = len(matchstr(s:getCurrentText(), '.*\U'))
- return s:posSnipmateCompletion
- endif
- let lenBase = len(a:base)
- let items = filter(GetSnipsInCurrentScope(),
- \ 'strpart(v:key, 0, lenBase) ==? a:base')
- return map(sort(items(items)), 's:makeSnipmateItem(v:val[0], v:val[1])')
-function acp#onPopupCloseSnipmate()
- let word = s:getCurrentText()[s:posSnipmateCompletion :]
- for trigger in keys(GetSnipsInCurrentScope())
- if word ==# trigger
- call feedkeys("\<C-r>=TriggerSnippet()\<CR>", "n")
- return 0
- endif
- endfor
- return 1
-function acp#onPopupPost()
- " to clear <C-r>= expression on command-line
- echo ''
- if pumvisible()
- inoremap <silent> <expr> <C-h> acp#onBs()
- inoremap <silent> <expr> <BS> acp#onBs()
- " a command to restore to original text and select the first match
- return (s:behavsCurrent[s:iBehavs].command =~# "\<C-p>" ? "\<C-n>\<Up>"
- \ : "\<C-p>\<Down>")
- endif
- let s:iBehavs += 1
- if len(s:behavsCurrent) > s:iBehavs
- call s:setCompletefunc()
- return printf("\<C-e>%s\<C-r>=acp#onPopupPost()\<CR>",
- \ s:behavsCurrent[s:iBehavs].command)
- else
- let s:lastUncompletable = {
- \ 'word': s:getCurrentWord(),
- \ 'commands': map(copy(s:behavsCurrent), 'v:val.command')[1:],
- \ }
- call s:finishPopup(0)
- return "\<C-e>"
- endif
-function acp#onBs()
- " using "matchstr" and not "strpart" in order to handle multi-byte
- " characters
- if call(s:behavsCurrent[s:iBehavs].meets,
- \ [matchstr(s:getCurrentText(), '.*\ze.')])
- return "\<BS>"
- endif
- return "\<C-e>\<BS>"
-" }}}1
-function s:mapForMappingDriven()
- call s:unmapForMappingDriven()
- let s:keysMappingDriven = [
- \ 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h', 'i', 'j', 'k', 'l', 'm',
- \ 'n', 'o', 'p', 'q', 'r', 's', 't', 'u', 'v', 'w', 'x', 'y', 'z',
- \ 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F', 'G', 'H', 'I', 'J', 'K', 'L', 'M',
- \ 'N', 'O', 'P', 'Q', 'R', 'S', 'T', 'U', 'V', 'W', 'X', 'Y', 'Z',
- \ '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9',
- \ '-', '_', '~', '^', '.', ',', ':', '!', '#', '=', '%', '$', '@', '<', '>', '/', '\',
- \ '<Space>', '<C-h>', '<BS>', ]
- for key in s:keysMappingDriven
- execute printf('inoremap <silent> %s %s<C-r>=<SID>feedPopup()<CR>',
- \ key, key)
- endfor
-function s:unmapForMappingDriven()
- if !exists('s:keysMappingDriven')
- return
- endif
- for key in s:keysMappingDriven
- execute 'iunmap ' . key
- endfor
- let s:keysMappingDriven = []
-function s:setTempOption(group, name, value)
- call extend(s:tempOptionSet[a:group], { a:name : eval('&' . a:name) }, 'keep')
- execute printf('let &%s = a:value', a:name)
-function s:restoreTempOptions(group)
- for [name, value] in items(s:tempOptionSet[a:group])
- execute printf('let &%s = value', name)
- endfor
- let s:tempOptionSet[a:group] = {}
-function s:getCurrentWord()
- return matchstr(s:getCurrentText(), '\k*$')
-function s:getCurrentText()
- return strpart(getline('.'), 0, col('.') - 1)
-function s:getPostText()
- return strpart(getline('.'), col('.') - 1)
-function s:isModifiedSinceLastCall()
- if exists('s:posLast')
- let posPrev = s:posLast
- let nLinesPrev = s:nLinesLast
- let textPrev = s:textLast
- endif
- let s:posLast = getpos('.')
- let s:nLinesLast = line('$')
- let s:textLast = getline('.')
- if !exists('posPrev')
- return 1
- elseif posPrev[1] != s:posLast[1] || nLinesPrev != s:nLinesLast
- return (posPrev[1] - s:posLast[1] == nLinesPrev - s:nLinesLast)
- elseif textPrev ==# s:textLast
- return 0
- elseif posPrev[2] > s:posLast[2]
- return 1
- elseif has('gui_running') && has('multi_byte')
- " NOTE: auto-popup causes a strange behavior when IME/XIM is working
- return posPrev[2] + 1 == s:posLast[2]
- endif
- return posPrev[2] != s:posLast[2]
-function s:makeCurrentBehaviorSet()
- let modified = s:isModifiedSinceLastCall()
- if exists('s:behavsCurrent[s:iBehavs].repeat') && s:behavsCurrent[s:iBehavs].repeat
- let behavs = [ s:behavsCurrent[s:iBehavs] ]
- elseif exists('s:behavsCurrent[s:iBehavs]')
- return []
- elseif modified
- let behavs = copy(exists('g:acp_behavior[&filetype]')
- \ ? g:acp_behavior[&filetype]
- \ : g:acp_behavior['*'])
- else
- return []
- endif
- let text = s:getCurrentText()
- call filter(behavs, 'call(v:val.meets, [text])')
- let s:iBehavs = 0
- if exists('s:lastUncompletable') &&
- \ stridx(s:getCurrentWord(), s:lastUncompletable.word) == 0 &&
- \ map(copy(behavs), 'v:val.command') ==# s:lastUncompletable.commands
- let behavs = []
- else
- unlet! s:lastUncompletable
- endif
- return behavs
-function s:feedPopup()
- " NOTE: CursorMovedI is not triggered while the popup menu is visible. And
- " it will be triggered when popup menu is disappeared.
- if s:lockCount > 0 || pumvisible() || &paste
- return ''
- endif
- if exists('s:behavsCurrent[s:iBehavs].onPopupClose')
- if !call(s:behavsCurrent[s:iBehavs].onPopupClose, [])
- call s:finishPopup(1)
- return ''
- endif
- endif
- let s:behavsCurrent = s:makeCurrentBehaviorSet()
- if empty(s:behavsCurrent)
- call s:finishPopup(1)
- return ''
- endif
- " In case of dividing words by symbols (e.g. "for(int", "ab==cd") while a
- " popup menu is visible, another popup is not available unless input <C-e>
- " or try popup once. So first completion is duplicated.
- call insert(s:behavsCurrent, s:behavsCurrent[s:iBehavs])
- call s:setTempOption(s:GROUP0, 'spell', 0)
- call s:setTempOption(s:GROUP0, 'completeopt', 'menuone' . (g:acp_completeoptPreview ? ',preview' : ''))
- call s:setTempOption(s:GROUP0, 'complete', g:acp_completeOption)
- call s:setTempOption(s:GROUP0, 'ignorecase', g:acp_ignorecaseOption)
- " NOTE: With CursorMovedI driven, Set 'lazyredraw' to avoid flickering.
- " With Mapping driven, set 'nolazyredraw' to make a popup menu visible.
- call s:setTempOption(s:GROUP0, 'lazyredraw', !g:acp_mappingDriven)
- " NOTE: 'textwidth' must be restored after <C-e>.
- call s:setTempOption(s:GROUP1, 'textwidth', 0)
- call s:setCompletefunc()
- call feedkeys(s:behavsCurrent[s:iBehavs].command . "\<C-r>=acp#onPopupPost()\<CR>", 'n')
- return '' " this function is called by <C-r>=
-function s:finishPopup(fGroup1)
- inoremap <C-h> <Nop> | iunmap <C-h>
- inoremap <BS> <Nop> | iunmap <BS>
- let s:behavsCurrent = []
- call s:restoreTempOptions(s:GROUP0)
- if a:fGroup1
- call s:restoreTempOptions(s:GROUP1)
- endif
-function s:setCompletefunc()
- if exists('s:behavsCurrent[s:iBehavs].completefunc')
- call s:setTempOption(0, 'completefunc', s:behavsCurrent[s:iBehavs].completefunc)
- endif
-function s:makeSnipmateItem(key, snip)
- if type(a:snip) == type([])
- let descriptions = map(copy(a:snip), 'v:val[0]')
- let snipFormatted = '[MULTI] ' . join(descriptions, ', ')
- else
- let snipFormatted = substitute(a:snip, '\(\n\|\s\)\+', ' ', 'g')
- endif
- return {
- \ 'word': a:key,
- \ 'menu': strpart(snipFormatted, 0, 80),
- \ }
-function s:getMatchingSnipItems(base)
- let key = a:base . "\n"
- if !exists('s:snipItems[key]')
- let s:snipItems[key] = items(GetSnipsInCurrentScope())
- call filter(s:snipItems[key], 'strpart(v:val[0], 0, len(a:base)) ==? a:base')
- call map(s:snipItems[key], 's:makeSnipmateItem(v:val[0], v:val[1])')
- endif
- return s:snipItems[key]
-" }}}1
-let s:GROUP0 = 0
-let s:GROUP1 = 1
-let s:lockCount = 0
-let s:behavsCurrent = []
-let s:iBehavs = 0
-let s:tempOptionSet = [{}, {}]
-let s:snipItems = {}
-" }}}1
-" vim: set fdm=marker: