path: root/common/dbuf.c
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authorGravatar Jonas Gunz <himself@jonasgunz.de> 2020-05-25 20:09:04 +0200
committerGravatar Jonas Gunz <himself@jonasgunz.de> 2020-05-25 20:09:04 +0200
commit4440a86cfa359b8e40a484a2cd46d33db5455d8a (patch)
treef5c0c59aebf0058ae97e7ef8b5fb8017f459a05a /common/dbuf.c
Diffstat (limited to 'common/dbuf.c')
1 files changed, 532 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/common/dbuf.c b/common/dbuf.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fbb8d97
--- /dev/null
+++ b/common/dbuf.c
@@ -0,0 +1,532 @@
+ * IRC - Internet Relay Chat, common/dbuf.c
+ * Copyright (C) 1990 Markku Savela
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 1, or (at your option)
+ * any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
+ */
+#ifndef lint
+static char rcsid[] = "@(#)$Id: dbuf.c,v 1.8 1997/09/03 17:45:13 kalt Exp $";
+** For documentation of the *global* functions implemented here,
+** see the header file (dbuf.h).
+#include "os.h"
+# include "s_defines.h"
+# include "c_defines.h"
+#define DBUF_C
+# include "s_externs.h"
+# include "c_externs.h"
+#undef DBUF_C
+#undef VALLOC
+#if !defined(VALLOC) && !defined(valloc)
+#define valloc malloc
+/* kind of ugly, eh? */
+u_int dbufalloc = 0;
+u_int poolsize = (BUFFERPOOL > 1500000) ? BUFFERPOOL : 1500000;
+dbufbuf *freelist = NULL;
+/* dbuf_init--initialize a stretch of memory as dbufs.
+ Doing this early on should save virtual memory if not real memory..
+ at the very least, we get more control over what the server is doing
+ mika@cs.caltech.edu 6/24/95
+void dbuf_init()
+ dbufbuf *dbp;
+ int i = 0, nb;
+ nb = poolsize / sizeof(dbufbuf);
+ freelist = (dbufbuf *)valloc(nb * sizeof(dbufbuf));
+ if (!freelist)
+ return; /* screw this if it doesn't work */
+ dbp = freelist;
+ for( ; i < (nb - 1); i++, dbp++, istat.is_dbufnow++)
+ for( ; i < (nb - 1); i++, dbp++)
+ dbp->next = (dbp + 1);
+ dbp->next = NULL;
+ istat.is_dbufnow++;
+ istat.is_dbuf = istat.is_dbufnow;
+** dbuf_alloc - allocates a dbufbuf structure either from freelist or
+** creates a new one.
+** Return: 0 on success, -1 on fatal alloc error, -2 on pool exceeding
+static int dbuf_alloc(dbptr)
+dbufbuf **dbptr;
+#if defined(VALLOC) && !defined(DEBUGMODE)
+ Reg dbufbuf *db2ptr;
+ Reg int num;
+ if (istat.is_dbufuse++ == istat.is_dbufmax)
+ istat.is_dbufmax = istat.is_dbufuse;
+ dbufalloc++;
+ if ((*dbptr = freelist))
+ {
+ freelist = freelist->next;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if (istat.is_dbufuse * DBUFSIZ > poolsize)
+ if (dbufalloc * DBUFSIZ > poolsize)
+ {
+ istat.is_dbufuse--;
+ dbufalloc--;
+ return -2; /* Not fatal, go back and increase poolsize */
+ }
+#if defined(_SC_PAGE_SIZE) && !defined(_SC_PAGESIZE)
+#if defined(VALLOC) && !defined(DEBUGMODE)
+# if defined(SOL20) || defined(_SC_PAGESIZE)
+ num = sysconf(_SC_PAGESIZE)/sizeof(dbufbuf);
+# else
+ num = getpagesize()/sizeof(dbufbuf);
+# endif
+ if (num < 0)
+ num = 1;
+ istat.is_dbufnow += num;
+ *dbptr = (dbufbuf *)valloc(num*sizeof(dbufbuf));
+ if (!*dbptr)
+ return -1;
+ num--;
+ for (db2ptr = *dbptr; num; num--)
+ {
+ db2ptr = (dbufbuf *)((char *)db2ptr + sizeof(dbufbuf));
+ db2ptr->next = freelist;
+ freelist = db2ptr;
+ }
+ return 0;
+ istat.is_dbufnow++;
+ if (!(*dbptr = (dbufbuf *)MyMalloc(sizeof(dbufbuf))))
+ return -1;
+ return 0;
+** dbuf_free - return a dbufbuf structure to the freelist
+static void dbuf_free(ptr)
+Reg dbufbuf *ptr;
+ istat.is_dbufuse--;
+ dbufalloc--;
+ ptr->next = freelist;
+ freelist = ptr;
+** This is called when malloc fails. Scrap the whole content
+** of dynamic buffer and return -1. (malloc errors are FATAL,
+** there is no reason to continue this buffer...). After this
+** the "dbuf" has consistent EMPTY status... ;)
+int dbuf_malloc_error(dyn)
+dbuf *dyn;
+ {
+ dbufbuf *p;
+ dyn->length = 0;
+ dyn->offset = 0;
+ while ((p = dyn->head) != NULL)
+ {
+ dyn->head = p->next;
+ dbuf_free(p);
+ }
+#ifdef DBUF_TAIL
+ dyn->tail = dyn->head;
+ return -1;
+ }
+** dbuf_put
+** Append the number of bytes to the buffer, allocating more
+** memory as needed. Bytes are copied into internal buffers
+** from users buffer.
+** returns > 0, if operation successfull
+** < 0, if failed (due memory allocation problem)
+int dbuf_put(dyn, buf, length)
+dbuf *dyn; /* Dynamic buffer header */
+char *buf; /* Pointer to data to be stored */
+int length; /* Number of bytes to store */
+ Reg dbufbuf **h;
+ dbufbuf *d;
+#ifdef DBUF_TAIL
+ dbufbuf *dtail;
+ Reg int off;
+ Reg int nbr, off;
+ Reg int chunk, i, dlength;
+ dlength = dyn->length;
+ off = (dyn->offset + dyn->length) % DBUFSIZ;
+#ifdef DBUF_TAIL
+ dtail = dyn->tail;
+ if (!dyn->length)
+ h = &(dyn->head);
+ else
+ {
+ if (off)
+ h = &(dyn->tail);
+ else
+ h = &(dyn->tail->next);
+ }
+ /*
+ ** Locate the last non-empty buffer. If the last buffer is
+ ** full, the loop will terminate with 'd==NULL'. This loop
+ ** assumes that the 'dyn->length' field is correctly
+ ** maintained, as it should--no other check really needed.
+ */
+ nbr = (dyn->offset + dyn->length) / DBUFSIZ;
+ for (h = &(dyn->head); (d = *h) && --nbr >= 0; h = &(d->next));
+ /*
+ ** Append users data to buffer, allocating buffers as needed
+ */
+ chunk = DBUFSIZ - off;
+ dyn->length += length;
+ for ( ;length > 0; h = &(d->next))
+ {
+ if ((d = *h) == NULL)
+ {
+ if ((i = dbuf_alloc(&d)))
+ {
+ if (i == -1) /* out of memory, cleanup */
+ /* modifies dyn->tail */
+ dbuf_malloc_error(dyn);
+ else
+ /* If we run out of bufferpool, visit upper
+ * level to increase it and retry. -Vesa
+ */
+ {
+ /*
+ ** Cancel this dbuf_put as well,
+ ** since it is incomplete. -krys
+ */
+ dyn->length = dlength;
+#ifdef DBUF_TAIL
+ dyn->tail = dtail;
+ }
+ return i;
+ }
+#ifdef DBUF_TAIL
+ dyn->tail = d;
+ *h = d;
+ d->next = NULL;
+ }
+ if (chunk > length)
+ chunk = length;
+ bcopy(buf, d->data + off, chunk);
+ length -= chunk;
+ buf += chunk;
+ off = 0;
+ chunk = DBUFSIZ;
+ }
+ return 1;
+ }
+** dbuf_map, dbuf_delete
+** These functions are meant to be used in pairs and offer
+** a more efficient way of emptying the buffer than the
+** normal 'dbuf_get' would allow--less copying needed.
+** map returns a pointer to a largest contiguous section
+** of bytes in front of the buffer, the length of the
+** section is placed into the indicated "long int"
+** variable. Returns NULL *and* zero length, if the
+** buffer is empty.
+** delete removes the specified number of bytes from the
+** front of the buffer releasing any memory used for them.
+** Example use (ignoring empty condition here ;)
+** buf = dbuf_map(&dyn, &count);
+** <process N bytes (N <= count) of data pointed by 'buf'>
+** dbuf_delete(&dyn, N);
+** Note: delete can be used alone, there is no real binding
+** between map and delete functions...
+char *dbuf_map(dyn,length)
+dbuf *dyn; /* Dynamic buffer header */
+int *length; /* Return number of bytes accessible */
+ {
+ if (dyn->head == NULL)
+ {
+#ifdef DBUF_TAIL
+ dyn->tail = NULL;
+ *length = 0;
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ *length = DBUFSIZ - dyn->offset;
+ if (*length > dyn->length)
+ *length = dyn->length;
+ return (dyn->head->data + dyn->offset);
+ }
+int dbuf_delete(dyn,length)
+dbuf *dyn; /* Dynamic buffer header */
+int length; /* Number of bytes to delete */
+ {
+ dbufbuf *d;
+ int chunk;
+ if (length > dyn->length)
+ length = dyn->length;
+ chunk = DBUFSIZ - dyn->offset;
+ while (length > 0)
+ {
+ if (chunk > length)
+ chunk = length;
+ length -= chunk;
+ dyn->offset += chunk;
+ dyn->length -= chunk;
+ if (dyn->offset == DBUFSIZ || dyn->length == 0)
+ {
+ if ((d = dyn->head))
+ { /* What did I do? A memory leak.. ? */
+ dyn->head = d->next;
+ dbuf_free(d);
+ }
+ dyn->offset = 0;
+ }
+ chunk = DBUFSIZ;
+ }
+ if (dyn->head == (dbufbuf *)NULL)
+#ifdef DBUF_TAIL
+ {
+ dyn->tail = NULL;
+ dyn->length = 0;
+#ifdef DBUF_TAIL
+ }
+ return 0;
+ }
+** dbuf_get
+** Remove number of bytes from the buffer, releasing dynamic
+** memory, if applicaple. Bytes are copied from internal buffers
+** to users buffer.
+** returns the number of bytes actually copied to users buffer,
+** if >= 0, any value less than the size of the users
+** buffer indicates the dbuf became empty by this operation.
+** Return 0 indicates that buffer was already empty.
+** Negative return values indicate some unspecified
+** error condition, rather fatal...
+int dbuf_get(dyn, buf, length)
+dbuf *dyn; /* Dynamic buffer header */
+char *buf; /* Pointer to buffer to receive the data */
+int length; /* Max amount of bytes that can be received */
+ {
+ int moved = 0;
+ int chunk;
+ char *b;
+ while (length > 0 && (b = dbuf_map(dyn, &chunk)) != NULL)
+ {
+ if (chunk > length)
+ chunk = length;
+ bcopy(b, buf, (int)chunk);
+ (void)dbuf_delete(dyn, chunk);
+ buf += chunk;
+ length -= chunk;
+ moved += chunk;
+ }
+ return moved;
+ }
+int dbuf_copy(dyn, buf, length)
+dbuf *dyn;
+register char *buf;
+int length;
+ register dbufbuf *d = dyn->head;
+ register char *s;
+ register int chunk, len = length, dlen = dyn->length;
+ s = d->data + dyn->offset;
+ chunk = MIN(DBUFSIZ - dyn->offset, dlen);
+ while (len > 0)
+ {
+ if (chunk > dlen)
+ chunk = dlen;
+ if (chunk > len)
+ chunk = len;
+ bcopy(s, buf, chunk);
+ buf += chunk;
+ len -= chunk;
+ dlen -= chunk;
+ if (dlen > 0 && (d = d->next))
+ {
+ chunk = DBUFSIZ;
+ s = d->data;
+ }
+ else
+ break;
+ }
+ return length - len;
+** dbuf_getmsg
+** Check the buffers to see if there is a string which is terminted with
+** either a \r or \n prsent. If so, copy as much as possible (determined by
+** length) into buf and return the amount copied - else return 0.
+int dbuf_getmsg(dyn, buf, length)
+dbuf *dyn;
+char *buf;
+register int length;
+ dbufbuf *d;
+ register char *s;
+ register int dlen;
+ register int i;
+ int copy;
+ d = dyn->head;
+ dlen = dyn->length;
+ i = DBUFSIZ - dyn->offset;
+ if (i <= 0)
+ return -1;
+ copy = 0;
+ if (d && dlen)
+ s = dyn->offset + d->data;
+ else
+ return 0;
+ if (i > dlen)
+ i = dlen;
+ while (length > 0 && dlen > 0)
+ {
+ dlen--;
+ if (*s == '\n' || *s == '\r')
+ {
+ copy = dyn->length - dlen;
+ /*
+ ** Shortcut this case here to save time elsewhere.
+ ** -avalon
+ */
+ if (copy == 1)
+ {
+ (void)dbuf_delete(dyn, 1);
+ goto getmsg_init;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ length--;
+ if (!--i)
+ {
+ if ((d = d->next))
+ {
+ s = d->data;
+ i = MIN(DBUFSIZ, dlen);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ s++;
+ }
+ if (copy <= 0)
+ return 0;
+ /*
+ ** copy as much of the message as wanted into parse buffer
+ */
+ i = dbuf_get(dyn, buf, MIN(copy, length));
+ /*
+ ** and delete the rest of it!
+ */
+ if (copy - i > 0)
+ (void)dbuf_delete(dyn, copy - i);
+ if (i >= 0)
+ *(buf+i) = '\0'; /* mark end of messsage */
+ return i;