path: root/doc/Nets
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authorGravatar Jonas Gunz <himself@jonasgunz.de> 2020-05-25 20:09:04 +0200
committerGravatar Jonas Gunz <himself@jonasgunz.de> 2020-05-25 20:09:04 +0200
commit4440a86cfa359b8e40a484a2cd46d33db5455d8a (patch)
treef5c0c59aebf0058ae97e7ef8b5fb8017f459a05a /doc/Nets
Diffstat (limited to 'doc/Nets')
7 files changed, 537 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/doc/Nets/Europe/CoordEBIC b/doc/Nets/Europe/CoordEBIC
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..80ee042
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/Nets/Europe/CoordEBIC
@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
+list updated the 8.11.1996
+ If you like in future to establish a link inside the EBIC area,
+ please contact the coordinator of the affected toplevel domain.
+ This coordinator will discuss the link with affected local server
+ admins and inform other EBIC members about new links. Also a good
+ idea is to join #EU-Opers and discuss the new link there.
+ These toplevel domains are currently participating EBIC:
+ at be ch zc de dk fi fr hr hu is it nl no pl ru(/su) se si sk uk
+ The following national coordinators have been choosen for '95:
+ 1. Fingwe, Bernhard Lorenz <Bernhard.Lorenz@wu-wien.ac.at>
+*.be BELNET
+ 1. Frans Francis Vanhemmens <vanhemme@ulb.ac.be>
+ 2. mro Marc Roger <Marc.Roger@belnet.be>
+ 1. ksa Karim Saouli <Karim.Saouli@span.ch>
+ 1. Kratz Tomas Kraus <xkraus@sun.felk.cvut.cz>
+*.de WIN, BelWue <irc-oper@leo.org>
+ 1. YeggMan Volker Paulsen <Volker.Paulsen@gmd.de>
+ 2. Haegar Thomas Thissen <tici@uni-paderborn.de>
+ 1. karthy Karsten Thygesen <karthy@sunsite.auc.dk>
+*.fi FUNET
+ 1. Vesa Vesa Ruokonen <Vesa.Ruokonen@lut.fi>
+*.fr EASINET/ROCAD, RENATER <irc-fr@ifens01.insa-lyon.fr>
+ 1. Nono Arnaud Girsch <Arnaud.Girsch@insa-lyon.fr>
+ 2. Dumpty Marie-Laure Bruneton <brunetom@poly.polytechnique.fr>
+*.hr CARNET
+ 1. Mozz Mario Mikocevic <mozgy@smile.srce.hr>
+ 1. keksz Revoly Andras <cakes@sch.bme.hu>
+*.is ISnet
+ 1. ra Richard Allen <ra@rhi.hi.is>
+*.it CILEA <ebic-it@ccii.unipi.it>
+ 1. Francesco Francesco Messineo <frank@nowhere.ccii.unipi.it>
+ 2. Coccy Cosimo Riglietti <pez0004@cdc715_3.cdc.polimi.it>
+ 1. cor Cor Bosman <cor@xs4all.nl>
+ 2. Steven Steven Hessing <steven@nijenrode.nl>
+ 1. Veggen Vegard Engen <Vegard.Engen@uninett.no>
+*.pl POLIP
+ 1. Krzysio Krzysztof Mlynarski <krzysio@hydra.mimuw.edu.pl>
+*.ru (*.su) DEMOS
+ 1. mishania Mikhail Alekseevitch Sokolov <mishania@demos.net>
+*.se SUNET
+ 1. Ace95 Adam Rappner <ace@LoneStar.rsn.hk-r.se>
+*.sk UAKOM
+ 1. Koleso Tibor Weis <tibor@uvt.tuzvo.sk>
+ 1. Iztok Iztok Umek <Iztok.Umek@uni-lj.si>
+ 1. jim_bob James R. Grinter <jrg@doc.ic.ac.uk>
diff --git a/doc/Nets/Europe/IRCNO b/doc/Nets/Europe/IRCNO
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6fafd8d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/Nets/Europe/IRCNO
@@ -0,0 +1,171 @@
+ European Board of IRC Coordinators - Norway
+Email: op-no@nvg.unit.no
+Versjon: 1.01-001
+Dokument: IRCNO-ORRO 06.07.93 - 03:51
+File: flode.nvg.unit.no:/pub/irc/ircno/english
+ IRCNO in English.
+IRCNO is the Norwegian name for EBIC - Norway.
+The purpose of IRCNO is to make IRC in Norway as effective as
+possible. To achieve this, it has to seperate components, an
+administrative and a techincal.
+The administrative component enforces compliance with the IRC rules in
+Norway. The purpose of the rules is not to make operators net-police,
+but action must nonetheless be taken when rules are not complied with.
+Furthermore, we create national statistics on servers and users
+connection time. (This info is however only available to the operators).
+We also document IRC in Norway, and keep information files updated.
+Finally, we give heavy user-support. All documentation, information
+files, and user-support files are in the Norwegian language.
+The technical component consist mainly of ensuring the proper and
+reliable functioning of Norwegian servers and links, so that IRC in
+Norway is compatible with the rest of the EBIC IRC Net.
+IRCNO also has its own email adress for any inquiries: op-no@nvg.unit.no
+IRCNO has official support from the Norwegian academic network provider
+IRCNO tasks
+Here is a list that defines IRCNO's tasks.
+1) Take care of the Norwegian IRC servers.
+2) Enforce the rules for IRC use in Norway.
+3) Be responsible toward UNINETT.
+4) Make statistics.
+5) Document IRC in Norway.
+6) User support.
+Rules of IRC use in Norway
+We have 3 kinds of rules, user-bot, operator and server-admin.
+Here is a short translation of the rules
+USER-RULES - The following is not allowed:
+ 1) Fake userids, or trying to hide the real user-id.
+ 2) Being intentionally offensive to another user.
+ 3) Dumping a lot of text to a public channel.
+ 4) Constant beeping on a channel.
+ 5) Anything that will reduce the techincal functionality of IRC.
+ 6) Harrasement defined by Norwegian Civil Law.
+ 7) Using offencive words in channel topics on public channels.
+ 8) Destroys the integrity of information.
+ 9) Compromise private communication.
+BOT-RULES - The following guidelines must be followed:
+ 1) Bots must not have fake userid unless given permission.
+ 2) Bots must not send a message to a user not activating it.
+ 3) Bots must be invisible unless they perform a good "irc-deed".
+ 4) Bots must only answer to PRIVMSG by using NOTICE.
+Dispensation from some of the bot-rules may be given under certain
+ This guide gives guidelines on what is not good and what is good.
+ Stuff that is not allowed:
+ - Using SQUIT / CONNECT to gain channel-operator-status.
+ - Mindless use of KILL.
+ - Using TRACE to find invisible users.
+ Stuff that is allowed:
+ - Using SQUIT / CONNECT to "fix" the net. This is normally not
+ allowed and should be used with care. The IRCNO tries to make
+ efficient use of automatic routing.
+ - KILL should only be used when a user ask to be killed. KILL can
+ also be used if it's based in a certain paragraph of the USER
+ rule file.
+ Following is the EBIC-Rules conserning linking. For domestic
+ linking we have our own rules.
+ 1) To get a server connect to the Norwegian IRC-net:
+ a. New servers must only be leafs.
+ b. New servers must have one primary- and one secondary link.
+ c. New servers should only have one active link at a time.
+ d. The new server must have enough users.
+ 2) New server connections should be discussed among the existing oper/admins.
+ 3) Any link should follow the physical net-topology.
+ 4) A server that is not close to a regional UNINETT net center should not
+ perform as a HUB server.
+ 5) Every server in Norway takes part in the national user-staistic.
+ 6) If hostmasking is to be used, every server behind a mask must be able
+ to connect to the up-host.
+ 1) An irc-admin must be available by email, unless he/she notifies IRCNO
+ about any longer planned absence.
+ 2) A server-admin's duty is to have his/her server perform well for
+ the end-users and other servers on the irc-net.
+ 3) An irc-admin must upgrade his/her server and tune it according to
+ something suitable as soon as a server-release is known to be
+ relatively stable.
+ 4) An irc-admin that is not following these rules can loose his/her links
+ if 100% of IRCNO agrees.
+Persons in IRCNO
+We do not have any leader or jobs, but we do preform certain tasks.
+Every decision is taken by discussion and voting. We do not have any
+problem with this, and no nasty disagreements occur. This we belive
+is because of our Norwegian Nature :-)
+Who is Who is documentet in the file called irc-no. Norwegian titles
+in paranthesis.
+IRCNO secretary (IRCNO sekret{r)
+ Keeps track and system of all docs that are produced within IRCNO.
+ The updating of the various documents is left to the one who has
+ the administrative job with the document.
+Filearchive (Filarkiv)
+ Keeps the anonymous FTP archie at flode.nvg.unit.no up-to date.
+ The archive is also accessible by FSP. The archive consist of
+ IRCNO docs, IRC docs in general, and IRC software.
+ This person also administrate the two mailinglists that exist (IRCNO
+ and a IRC-user list)
+Statistics: (Statistikk)
+ Does the monthly stats of IRC-use in Norway.
+EBIC contact (EBIC kontakt)
+ This task is defined in the EBIC-rules.
+Link master (Link ansvarlig)
+ Job is to find the best links for Norwegian servers, and how they
+ should connect to each other. In link-matters this person often
+ has the last word. The link master write a link-report from time
+ to time (found on the archive as "links"). This report is the only
+ english document beside this one. This person must have good
+ knowlege on net-structure in Norway and how the server-linking works.
+UNINETT contact (UNINETT kontakt)
+ UNINETT want one contact person. This person will likely aslo be
+ known as the one who is "responsible for IRC in Norway".
+Other stuff
+For a list of servers and their associated persons, see the file irc-no
+under "servere in IRCNO".
+This document is proof-read by Espen Anneling (anneling@uiowa.edu)
diff --git a/doc/Nets/Europe/InfoEBIC b/doc/Nets/Europe/InfoEBIC
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1956910
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/Nets/Europe/InfoEBIC
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+InfoEBIC - General information about European IRC //941115
+Online information sources in Europe
+- By IRC
+#EU-Opers is an adminstrative channel for European IRC networking.
+- Help automatons in the IRC net (based on ircII help pages)
+Help_EU, Help_UK Send PRIVMSG, receive NOTICE
+Help_IT Requires DCC Chat
+- By WWW
+Public IRC servers in Europe
+- Open for all domains
+irc.funet.fi Finland
+irc.Univ-Lyon1.FR France
+- Open for national and some neighbouring domains
+irc.cdc.polimi.it Italy
+irc.span.ch Switzerland
+irc.ludd.luth.se Sweden
+irc.nvg.unit.no Norway
+irc.sci.kun.nl Netherlands
+irc.uni-stuttgart.de Germany
+stork.doc.ic.ac.uk United Kingdom
+Anonymous FTP archives with IRC software in Europe
+Mailing list
+There is administrative mailing list for european IRC networking.
+The list address is irc-eu@ifens01.insa-lyon.fr. This list is run by
+an automated mailing-list manager tool, so all requests concerning
+the list should be mailed to listserv@ifens01.insa-lyon.fr. To get help,
+send "help" in mail message to the listserv address, and you will
+get help file in reply.
diff --git a/doc/Nets/Europe/RulesEBIC b/doc/Nets/Europe/RulesEBIC
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8e693ff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/Nets/Europe/RulesEBIC
@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
+ ########################################################################
+ ########################################################################
+ 1.) Establishing a new server and inner domain linking should be
+ a local toplevel domain (country) decision.
+ Guidelines:
+ + New servers should be leafed until their admin(s)
+ have sufficient experience to handle their server
+ responsibly. (This avoids routing disasters).
+ + Only a link for ONE server should be given to the new
+ server site, that means the new site shouldn't be able to
+ connect test-servers to other than its own server.
+ (This avoids confusion about linking hierarchy).
+ + Be sure that if a toplevel domain hostmask link is given,
+ all hubs of that domain can connect the masked server!
+ (this should avoid disagreement between serveral hub
+ admins in one domain).
+ 2.) All other links between toplevel domains (countries) should be
+ dicussed between the major link coordinators of each toplevel
+ domain (country). These coordinators are called European Board
+ of IRC Coordinators (EBIC).
+ Guidelines:
+ + Major link coordinators of each toplevel domain (country)
+ should be published with the server sourcecode in
+ directory ./doc/Europe
+ + Each toplevel domain (country) participating in the
+ European IRC net must have a coordinator, who is
+ responsible for country-internal connections AND
+ represents the country in contacts with the rest of the
+ world. This person(s) is (are) chosen by their domain,
+ but must be approved by the EBIC.
+ + The EBIC is the only executive in charge of European
+ interconnections and of connections from Europe to the
+ rest of the world. They will decide linking issues
+ WITH the affected local admins.
+ + For establishing new links between several toplevel
+ domains the affected EBIC coordinators should be
+ consulted. If further coordination is needed it should
+ be discussed within the EBIC.
+ + Additional note: International links should also take
+ care of the network topology, so even if several national
+ opers agree on a same international link, they might be
+ wrong and use unecessary network ressources. The EBIC
+ should avoid such linking.
+ + Any major linking change should be announced in the
+ european mailing list:
+ IRC-Operators Europe <irc-eu@grasp.insa-lyon.fr>
+ 3.) Cracked servers are the concern of EBIC, overiding all local
+ interests.
+ Guidelines:
+ + In a server with non-standard source code which breaks
+ the current irc protocol (especially the incorrect
+ manipulation of channel modes and user/hostname authen-
+ tication) EBIC will take action.
+ + The recommended action is permanent withdrawl of the
+ server from the IRC-net by removal from all its uplinks
+ configuration files.
+ 4.) A prerequisite for getting a NEW server connection within
+ Europe is an understanding of and compliance to the above
+ rules.
+ Guideline:
+ + All new admins should get a copy of these rules.
diff --git a/doc/Nets/Europe/links.eu b/doc/Nets/Europe/links.eu
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0d77ac7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/Nets/Europe/links.eu
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+Written by Per Persson <pp@pfawww.pp.se>, last update: 1996-06-18
+1) Europe should always be a separate net from the other parts of
+ (what was formerly known as) "EFNet". For example; Netherlands
+ with leafs and Sweden/Finland (with leafs) should always be
+ connected to eachother. There are a few times when that wont work
+ though... NORDUnet might have fuckups from time to time and in
+ those few cases we have to use more then one link to USA.
+2) Europe "should" be connected this way;
+ * irc.nada.kth.se is the primary HUB for northern Europe as well
+ as some southern European servers (.at). irc.nada.kth.se is
+ also the primary European HUB for connections to US.
+ * warszawa.irc.pl is the primary .pl HUB, primary uplink for .pl
+ is .se with .fi/.at as secondary
+ (.pl is almost never connected to "EFNet" right now)
+ * ircd.funet.fi is the primary .fi HUB and irc.cs.hut.fi is the
+ backup.
+ * irc.pvv.unit.no is the primary .no HUB and irc.ifi.uio.no is
+ the backup, primary uplink for .no is .se with .fi as secondary.
+ * irc.ru is the primary .ru HUB, primary uplink is .fi with .se as
+ secondary.
+ * irc.isnet.is's primary uplink is .fi, irc.ludd.luth.se is secondary
+ * sunsite.auc.dk's primary uplink is irc.nada.kth.se
+ * irc.ccii.unipi.it is the primary HUB for Italy, primary uplink is
+ .se with .nl/.uk as secondary.
+ * irc.felk.cvut.cz is the primary .cz HUB, primary uplink is .se.
+ * irc.sanet.sk's primary uplink is .cz.
+ * irc.nijnerode.nl is the primary HUB for sourthern Europe and .uk.
+ Primary uplink is irc.ludd.luth.se(irc.nada.kth.se) with .fi as
+ secondary
+ * irc.univ-lyon1.fr is the primary .fr HUB and
+ sil.polytechnique.fr is the backup. primary uplink for .fr is
+ irc.ludd.luth.se and secondary uplink for .fr is irc.cerf.net.
+ * stork.doc.ic.ac.uk is the primary .uk HUB and serv.eng.abdn.ac.uk
+ is the backup. Primary uplink is .nl with .se/.fi as secondary.
+ (.uk also has a .net server, as well as a netcom.net.uk server which
+ uses a bit different uplinks--the rest of the .uk servers are
+ connected to those on occasions as well)
+ * irc.belnet.be is the primary .be HUB, primary uplink for .be is
+ .uk with .fr/.nl as secondary.
+ * irc.wu-wien.ac.at is the primary .at HUB, primary uplink for
+ .at is .fr with .se as secondary.
+ * irc.uni-paderborn.de is the primary .de HUB, primary uplink for
+ .de is .nl with .fi as secondary.
+ (.de isn't often connected, as they have sloooow links)
+ * irc.arnes.si's primary uplink is .nl, secondary uplink is .se.
+ * The primary link for Europe to USA is; .se - USA
+ backups are; .fi/.nl - USA
+ (USA can be one of the following; cs-pub.bu.edu, ircd.stealth.net
+ eff.org, bazooka.rutgers.edu or irc.cerf.net. irc.cerf.net
+ is the prefered one nowadays with ircd.stealth.net as secondary)
+3) The ASCII map of all this, to make things "easier to comprehend".
+ (.no .dk .pl .it) __ .se __ .fi __ (.is .ru)
+ /|\
+ .uk __ .nl __/ | \__ .cz __ (.sk)
+ | | |
+ (.be) | .fr __ (.at)
+ |
+ (.si .ch .de)
+ ()'s marks leafs
+\ _ /'s marks links
diff --git a/doc/Nets/Europe/rules b/doc/Nets/Europe/rules
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4ad34dc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/Nets/Europe/rules
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+Rules for IRC networking - Ratified July 6th 1994
+1.) The establishment of new servers and intra-domain linking should
+ be a local toplevel domain (IE: country) decision.
+ Guidelines:
+ + Only a link for ONE server should be given to the new
+ server site, that means the new site shouldn't be able to
+ connect test-servers to other than its own server.
+ (This avoids confusion about linking hierachy).
+ + If a toplevel domain hostmask link is given, ensure that all
+ hubs of that domain have connect access to the masked server
+ (this should avoid disagreements between hub admins within a
+ domain).
+2.) Hacked or cracked servers (and the machines they run on) are the
+ concern of all Admins, and override all local interests.
+ Guidelines:
+ + In a server with non-standard source code which breaks
+ the current irc protocol (especially the incorrect
+ manipulation of channel modes and user/hostname authen-
+ tication) Admins will take action, this includes the
+ testing of these patches.
+ + The recommended action is permanent withdrawl of the
+ server from the IRC-net by removal from all its uplinks
+ configuration files.
+3.) The Admins are responsible for all operator access.
+ IRC Administrators should therefore be approved by the
+ machine and network admins for the site in question.
+4.) Operator power may be used only on server and network
+ maintenance purposes. KILL may be used only when other
+ methods to fix a problem don't exist.
+Infringement of the rules as outlined above should lead to
+operator and/or admin changes on the offending server.
+Responsibility for these changes is primarily that of the uplink
+server administrators.
+In the event of continued transgression, further action may be
+taken by remote IRC Administrators 24 hours after the problem
+has been identified and all responsible parties have been
+All intended additions to this document must be announced to IRC
+Administrators for at least one week prior to ratification.
+Edited June 29th by #EU-Opers
diff --git a/doc/Nets/IRCNet b/doc/Nets/IRCNet
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..eaa7396
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/Nets/IRCNet
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+The IRC Net Mailing List
+The IRC Net Mailing List is meant for discussion about issues concerning the
+IRC Net network. It is currently an open mailing list and you can subscribe
+by typing the following in a shell:
+ echo subscribe ircnet | mail majordodo@modeemi.cs.tut.fi
+And to see who is on the mailing list you just need to type the following:
+ echo who ircnet | mail majordodo@modeemi.cs.tut.fi
+All messages to the mailing list itself are to be sent to:
+ ircnet@modeemi.cs.tut.fi