path: root/irc/help.c
diff options
authorGravatar Jonas Gunz <himself@jonasgunz.de> 2020-05-25 20:09:04 +0200
committerGravatar Jonas Gunz <himself@jonasgunz.de> 2020-05-25 20:09:04 +0200
commit4440a86cfa359b8e40a484a2cd46d33db5455d8a (patch)
treef5c0c59aebf0058ae97e7ef8b5fb8017f459a05a /irc/help.c
Diffstat (limited to 'irc/help.c')
1 files changed, 228 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/irc/help.c b/irc/help.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..71d3dfe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/irc/help.c
@@ -0,0 +1,228 @@
+ * IRC - Internet Relay Chat, irc/help.c
+ * Copyright (C) 1990 Jarkko Oikarinen and
+ * University of Oulu, Computing Center
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 1, or (at your option)
+ * any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
+ */
+#ifndef lint
+static char rcsid[] = "@(#)$Id: help.c,v 1.2 1997/09/03 17:45:38 kalt Exp $";
+#include "os.h"
+#include "c_defines.h"
+#define HELP_C
+#include "c_externs.h"
+#undef HELP_C
+struct Help helplist[] = {
+ { "ADMIN", "/ADMIN <server>",
+ { "Prints administrative information about an IRC server.",
+ "<server> defaults to your own IRC server.", "", "", "" } },
+ { "AWAY", "/AWAY <message>",
+ { "<Mark yourself as being away. <message> is a message that will be",
+ "automatically sent to anyone who tries sending you a private message.",
+ "If you are already marked as being away, /AWAY will change your status",
+ "back to \"here.\"", "" } },
+ { "BYE", "/BYE",
+ { "Exit from IRC. /BYE, /EXIT, /QUIT and /SIGNOFF are identical.",
+ "", "", "", "" } },
+ { "CHANNEL", "/CHANNEL <channel>",
+ { "Leave the current channel and join a new one. Channel is any number",
+ "or a string beginning with a plus (+) sign. Numbered channels above 999",
+ "are private channels, you cannot see them by /LIST. Negative channels",
+ "are secret; they do not appear in /WHO at all. String channels are open",
+ "first, but the channel operators can change the mode with /MODE" } },
+ { "CLEAR", "/CLEAR",
+ { "Clear your screen.", "", "", "", "" } },
+ { "CMDCH", "/CMDCH <x>",
+ { "Changes your command prefix character to <x>. This is useful if you",
+ "often start lines with slashes. For example, after typing \"/cmdch #\"",
+ "your commands would look like #who or #links.", "", "" } },
+ { "DATE", "/DATE <server>",
+ { "Prints the date and time local to a specific server. <server> defaults",
+ "to your own IRC server. /DATE and /TIME are identical.", "", "", "" } },
+ { "EXIT", "/EXIT",
+ { "Exit from IRC. /BYE, /EXIT, /QUIT and /SIGNOFF are identical.",
+ "", "", "", "" } },
+#ifdef VMSP
+ { "EXEC", "/EXEC <CP/CMS command>",
+ { "Executes a CP/CMS command. If the command spends some time, you may",
+ "be signed off by the server. See UNKILL.",
+ "Warning: Screen is cleared after execcuting a command.",
+ "", "" } },
+ { "HELP", "/HELP <command>",
+ { "/HELP without parameters lists all IRC commands.",
+ "/HELP followed by a command name prints a description of that command.",
+ "", "", "" } },
+ { "IGNORE", "/IGNORE <+|-><nicknames>",
+ { "Allows you to automatically ignore messages from certain users. If",
+ "+ is specified before <nicknames>, only public messages are ignored.",
+ "Similarly, - ignores only private messages. If neither symbol is given",
+ "all messages are ignored. /IGNORE without parameters prints the current",
+ "list of ignored users." } },
+ { "INFO", "/INFO",
+ { "Prints some information about IRC.", "", "", "", "" } },
+ { "INVITE", "/INVITE <channel> <nickname>",
+ { "Invites a user to join your channel. The user must be currently using",
+ "IRC.", "", "", "" } },
+ { "JOIN", "/JOIN <channel>{,<channel>} [<key>{,<key>}]",
+ { "Leave the current channel and join a new one. Channels above 999",
+ "are private channels; their numbers are not listed by /WHO. Negative",
+ "numbered channels are secret; they do not appear in /WHO at all.",
+ "/JOIN and /CHANNEL are identical.", "" } },
+ { "KICK", "/KICK <channel> <user> [<comment>]",
+ { "Kicks specified user off given channel",
+ "Only channel operators are privileged to use this command",
+ "Channel operator privileges can be given to other users of channel",
+ "by command '/MODE <channel> +o <user>' and taken away by command",
+ "'/MODE <channel> -o <user>'" } },
+ { "LINKS", "/LINKS [<pattern> [<server>]]",
+ { "Lists all active IRC servers.",
+ "If <pattern> is given, list all active irc links matching <pattern>",
+ "For example, /links *.fi lists all links in Finland", "", "" } },
+ { "LIST", "/LIST",
+ { "Lists all active channels and, if set, their topics.", "", "", "", "" } },
+ { "LUSERS", "/LUSERS",
+ { "Show the number of people and servers connected to the IRC network.",
+ "", "", "", "" } },
+ { "LOG", "/LOG <filename>",
+ { "Sends a copy of your IRC session to a file.",
+ "/LOG followed by a filename begins logging in the given file.",
+ "/LOG with no parameters turns logging off.", "", "" } },
+ { "MSG", "/MSG <nicknames> <message>",
+ { "Send a private message. <nicknames> should be one or more nicknames or",
+ "channel numbers separated by commas (no spaces). If <nicknames> is \",\"",
+ "your message is sent to the last person who sent you a private message.",
+ "If <nicknames> is \".\" it's sent to the last personyou sent one to.",
+ "Messages sent to , or . can (currently) contain no other recipients." } },
+ { "MODE", "/MODE <channel> [+|-]<modechars> <parameters>",
+ { "Mode command is quite complicated and it allows channel operators to",
+ "change channel mode. <modechars> is one of m (moderated), s (secret),",
+ "p (private), l (limited), t (topiclimited), a (anonymous), o (oper)",
+ "i (inviteonly). + or - sign whether the specifies mode should be added",
+ "or deleted. Parameter for l is the maximum users allowed" } },
+ { "MOTD", "/MOTD <server>",
+ { "Query for message-of-today in given server. If <server> parameter is",
+ "left out, query local server", "", "", "" } },
+ { "NAMES", "/NAMES <channel>{,<channel>}",
+ { "/NAMES without a parameter lists the nicknames of users on all channels.",
+ "/NAMES followed by a channel number lists the names on that channel.",
+ "", "", "" } },
+ { "NICK", "/NICK <nickname>",
+ { "Change your nickname. You cannot choose a nickname that is already in",
+ "use. Additionally, some characters cannot be used in nicknames.",
+ "", "", "" } },
+ { "QUERY", "/QUERY <nicknames>",
+ { "Begin private chat with <nicknames>. All subsequent messages you type",
+ "will be automatically sent only to <nicknames>. /QUERY without",
+ "parameters ends any current chat. You can send a normal message to your",
+ "channel by prefixing it with a slash and a space, like \"/ hi\".", "" } },
+ { "QUIT", "/QUIT [<comment>]",
+ { "Exit from IRC. /BYE, /EXIT, /QUIT and /SIGNOFF are identical.",
+ "", "", "", "" } },
+ { "SERVER", "/SERVER <server>",
+ { "Disconnects from currect server and connects your client into a new",
+ "server specified in command line", "", "", "" } },
+ { "Exit from IRC. /BYE, /EXIT, /QUIT and /SIGNOFF are identical.",
+ "", "", "", "" } },
+ { "STATS", "/STATS [<c|h|i|k|l|m|n|o|q|y>]",
+ { "Shows various IRC server statistics. This command is rather boring",
+ "", "", "", "" } },
+ { "SUMMON", "/SUMMON <user> [<server>]",
+ { "Ask a user to enter IRC. <user> is of the form guest@tolsun.oulu.fi.",
+ "You can only summon users on machines where an IRC server is running.",
+ "Some servers may have disabled the /SUMMON command.", "", "" } },
+ { "TIME", "/TIME <server>",
+ { "Prints the date and time local to a specific server. <server> defaults",
+ "to your own IRC server. /DATE and /TIME are identical.", "", "", "" } },
+ { "TOPIC", "/TOPIC <channel> [<topic>]",
+ { "Sets the topic for the channel you're on.", "", "", "", "" } },
+ { "UNKILL", "/UNKILL",
+ { "Orders to irc reconnect to server if you happen to become killed",
+ "accidentally or in purpose", "", "", "" } },
+ { "USERS", "/USERS <host>",
+ { "List all users logged in to a host. The host must be running an IRC",
+ "server. Finger(1) usually works better.", "", "", "" } },
+ { "VERSION", "/VERSION <server>",
+ { "Prints the version number of an IRC server. <server> defaults to your",
+ "own IRC server.", "", "", "" } },
+ { "WHO", "/WHO <channel> [<o>]",
+ { "/WHO without parameters lists users on all channels.",
+ "/WHO followed by a channel number lists users on that channel.",
+ "/WHO * lists users that are on the same channel as you.",
+ "You cannot see users that are on negative-numbered channels.", "" } },
+ { "WHOIS", "/WHOIS <nicknames>{,<nickname>}",
+ { "/WHOIS prints information about a particular user, including his or",
+ "her name, host name and IRC server. <nicknames> should be one of more",
+ "nicknames separated by commas.", "", "" } },
+ { "WHOWAS", "/WHOWAS <nickname>{,<nickname>} [<count> [<server>]]",
+ { "/WHOWAS returns nickname history information for each of the given",
+ "nicknames.", "", "", "" } },
+char helpbuf[80];
+void do_help(ptr, temp)
+char *ptr, *temp;
+ struct Help *hptr;
+ int count;
+ if (BadPtr(ptr)) {
+ sprintf(helpbuf, "*** Help: Internet Relay Chat v%s Commands:", version);
+ putline(helpbuf);
+ count = 0;
+ for (hptr = helplist; hptr->command; hptr++) {
+ sprintf(&helpbuf[count*10], "%10s", hptr->command);
+ if (++count >= 6) {
+ count = 0;
+ putline(helpbuf);
+ }
+ }
+ if (count)
+ putline(helpbuf);
+ putline("Type /HELP <command> to get help about a particular command.");
+ putline("For example \"/HELP signoff\" gives you help about the");
+ putline("/SIGNOFF command. To use a command you must prefix it with a");
+ putline("slash or whatever your current command character is (see");
+ putline("\"/HELP cmdch\"");
+ putline("*** End Help");
+ } else {
+ for (hptr = helplist; hptr->command; hptr++)
+ if (mycncmp(ptr, hptr->command))
+ break;
+ if (hptr->command == (char *) 0) {
+ putline("*** There is no help information for that command.");
+ putline("*** Type \"/HELP\" to get a list of commands.");
+ return;
+ }
+ sprintf(helpbuf, "*** Help: %s", hptr->syntax);
+ putline(helpbuf);
+ for (count = 0; count < 5; count++)
+ if (hptr->explanation[count] && *(hptr->explanation[count])) {
+ sprintf(helpbuf, " %s", hptr->explanation[count]);
+ putline(helpbuf);
+ }
+ putline("*** End Help");
+ }