path: root/contrib/tkserv
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Diffstat (limited to 'contrib/tkserv')
7 files changed, 1463 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/contrib/tkserv/CHANGES b/contrib/tkserv/CHANGES
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e983ded
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/tkserv/CHANGES
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+1.0.0b8 : Ported TkServ to C.
+1.0.0b8 : It is now possible to QUIT the service via SQUERY.
+1.0.0b9 : Added default expiration if no time value was specified (koopal)
+1.0.0b9 : It is now possible to remove existing tklines "manually" (koopal)
+1.0.0b10: the pwd of the service went to the cmd line (koopal)
+1.0.0 : Official release of TkServ
+1.0.1 : Applied some fixes to make TkServ work under BSDI (primetime)
+1.0.1 : no address of a local var is returned anymore :) (primetime)
+1.0.2 : Added forgotten tkserv.access.example to the package (primetime)
+1.0.2 : IP masks (x.x.x.*) are now also be recognized as IPs (primetime)
+1.0.2 : hostnames are now also possible in the restriction field (primetime)
+1.0.3 : DEBUGGING is now functional and displays all service<->server
+ traffic to the standard output
+1.0.3 : TkServ should now also compile under Irix (Szern)
+1.0.3 : IP restrictions are now also possible in the access file
+ - wildcards are allowed (Szern)
+1.0.3 : Wildcards do now also work in the oper u@h field of the access
+ file (Szern)
+1.0.3 : Replaced FNM_CASEFOLD by FNM_NOESCAPE
+1.0.4 : ':' is not allowed anymore in the TKLINE cmd line (Eumel)
+1.0.4 : Fixed lame bug which kept tklines active altho already expired (Eumel)
+1.0.5 : TkServ should now also compile under Redhat Linux. (Tero)
+1.0.5 : a few changes for ircd/contrib compliancy
+1.0.5 : the semantics for the access file have changed (check out README)
+1.0.5 : it is now possible to disallow tklining of specific hosts (tumble)
+1.0.6 : Added leading colons for the /squery commands (tumble)
+1.0.6 : Added a hint concerning the distribution to the README
+1.0.6 : it's now possible to decide whether a user needs to be opered or
+ not when accessing TkServ
+1.0.7 : TkServ won't crash anymore if a bad lifetime is given (Tero)
+1.0.8 : A few changes to make TkServ fit better into ircd/contrib.
+1.0.8 : TkServ now sends out a hint when it receives an unknown cmd
+ (Fusion & viha)
+1.0.9 : renamed the function logf due to a conflict in *BSD? (Virginie)
+1.0.9 : General rename of some tkserv functions
+1.2 : Password migration from cmd line to conf file (Earthpig)
+1.2 : TkServ now daemonizes itself. (Earthpig)
diff --git a/contrib/tkserv/CREDITS b/contrib/tkserv/CREDITS
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..617fb16
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/tkserv/CREDITS
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+Thanks to the following people, who have contributed in one way or another
+to the development of TkServ:
+- Andre 'koopal' Koopal
+ + beta testing
+ + default expiration
+ + removal of tklines before expiration (manual removal)
+ + password migration from config.h to cmd line
+- Asu 'primetime' Pala
+ + fix for BSDI
+ + IP recognition bug
+ + forgotten tkserv.access.example file
+ + hostnames in the restriction field of the access file
+- 'Szern'
+ + fix for Irix
+ + IPs in the restriction field
+ + wildcards in the u@h oper field of the access file
+- Michael 'Eumel' Neumayer
+ + colons are not allowed anymore outside the password parameter
+ + expired tklines do now get removed really automatically
+- Tero 'Tero' Saari
+ + RedHat Linux cludge
+ + no crashes anymore when a bad lifetime is given
+- Andrew ´Earthpig´ Snare
+ + password back to conf file (more secure)
+ + automatic daemonization
+- 'tumble'
+ + possibility to explicitly disallow specific hosts from getting tklined
+ + leading colons for the /squery commands in the README
+- Kristian 'Fusion' Bergmann & 'viha'
+ + Sending out of a hint when an unknown command is received
+- 'Virginie'
+ + rename of the logf function because of conflict under *BSD?
+- 'jbn'
+ + expiration of tklines / default expiration
+- The EPIC Software Labs
+ + for their nice ircII-EPIC client from which i took some networking
+ stuff, see http://www.snafu.de/~kl/epic/index.html for more about
+ epic
+- Kai 'Oswald' Seidler
+ + for his NoteServ, on which TkServ is based and which has helped me a
+ lot in making TkServ, see http://oswald.pages.de for more
+- Christophe 'syrk' Kalt and Vesa 'Vesa' Ruokonen
+ + for giving me the impulse to this kind of service :)
+And finally thanks to all the Linux people out there for contributing
+to the world's best OS! :-)
diff --git a/contrib/tkserv/INSTALL b/contrib/tkserv/INSTALL
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9bc69bd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/tkserv/INSTALL
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+How to install TkServ
+Yes, there isn't any configure yet. That's why the compilation on some
+machines could be difficult because you may have to include one or two
+libraries by hand. I'll try to create a configure file in the future.
+Up to now, i've only compiled TkServ on Linux, Solaris and Irix. I hope you
+won't get into trouble when trying to compile on another OS. But everyone
+should be running Linux anyway. :-)
+So here we go:
+1. Unpack and untar the archive. (which you might already have done :)
+2. RTFM. :->
+3. run "./configure" (if you haven't already done so)
+3. Edit the tkconf.h file.
+4. "make tkserv"
+Good luck, Kasi
diff --git a/contrib/tkserv/README b/contrib/tkserv/README
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a7b7c47
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/tkserv/README
@@ -0,0 +1,290 @@
+Welcome to TkServ !
+This program is released under the GNU General Public License.
+A copy of this license is included in the distribution.
+I) Introduction
+TkServ is a so-called temporary k-line service.
+[If you don't know what a service is, consult the documentation which comes
+along with the irc2.10.x package (if you don't know services, you shouldn't
+be reading this anyway ;).]
+This is what TkServ does - roughly: On request, it adds a given k-line
+pattern to the server's k-line list and (sooner or later, see below) then
+removes it. The adding/removing is done via the ircd.conf file.
+The purpose/advantages of a temporary k-line service:
+ - it facilitates the process of k-lining users
+ - added k-lines disappear automatically (see below)
+ - it allows _also_ remote users (only if they are listed in the access
+ file of the service - see below) to temp k-line users on the respective
+ server
+ - it allows people to specify a duration for each tkline
+ - it is more effective than /kill but practically as easy to use
+ - it could therefore act as a replacement for the /kill command - which in
+ fact is more or less its longtime goal...
+II) Security concerns
+Of course, when allowing remote "access" to the ircd.conf file, the main
+concern of most admins is security. Therefore, here's a list of the
+procedures used by TkServ to ensure that only authorized users may add
+temporary k-lines to the server's conf file [origin == the person who is
+sending a request]:
+- the origin's user@host has to match one of the u@h's in the tkserv.access
+ file (case sensitive!)
+- the origin has always to specify a password which has to match the
+ password that belongs to the corresponding user@host in the access file
+ (case sensitive!)
+- the origin has to be opered, if you want to
+- it is possible to allow an authorized user to only tkline given hostnames
+ or TLDs
+Especially the third point equals to strong security, because: Could you
+imagine any cracker who has gained O: on some server, wasting his time on
+trying to get access to a remote server's temp k-line list instead of
+playing around with his O: ? See, neither could i. ;-)
+III) Installation
+A) Precondition
+ The only thing you need in order to run TkServ is an "ircd.conf" file,
+ an "ircd.pid" file and an IRC server which has been compiled with
+ USE_SERVICES #define'd in the config.h file (!).
+B) Editing the configuration file (config.h)
+ You have to change the following entries in the config file:
+ TKSERV_ADMIN_NAME (your real name)
+ TKSERV_ADMIN_CONTACT (mail address)
+ TKSERV_ADMIN_OTHER (your nick, for example)
+ TKSERV_NAME (the name of the service appearing on /SERVLIST)
+ TKSERV_DESC (a neato description :)
+ TKSERV_DIST (the distribution of the service)
+| A few words to the distribution of the service. Here are the pros &
+| contras of a global TkServ from my point of view:
+| [contra] It makes the /servlist become unnecessarily big and less handy
+| [contra] You can detect also local services by /trace'ing a server
+| [contra] You can access a local TkServ by setting up a special client
+| on the concerned server (maybe with a special I: line)
+| [pro] A global TkServ is more comfortable to use for remote users.
+| [pro] If you want to see which server is running one (for e.g. to
+| request access to it), you do only have to do a /servlist.
+ TKSERV_PATH (the abs. path to your ircd.conf, no trailing slash please!)
+ TKSERV_LOGFILE (the abs. path to your tkserv logfile, no trailing slash)
+ TKSERV_ACCESSFILE (the abs. path to your tkserv access file, ditto)
+ TKSERV_DEBUG (for debugging only, displayes traffic to standard output)
+C) Compiling the source
+TkServ will be compiled along with the irc server.
+D) Setting up the access file: tkserv.access
+ If anyone should be authorized to use TkServ on your server, he/she has
+ to figure in the access file. The format of it is:
+| [!]<user@host.domain.tld><SPACE><password><SPACE>[<FQDN || IP>]<RETURN>
+| Which means:
+| [!]<user@host.domain.tld> <password> [<FQDN || IP>]
+| A '!' before the u@h means that the specified user doesn't need to be
+| opered when accessing TkServ. Before the FQDN/IP, it means that the user
+| is not allowed to tkline that given FQDN/IP. See below.
+| Examples:
+| (1) foo@bar.com foo-pass
+| (2) some@user.on.the.net some.passw1 *.net,207.128.*
+| another@user.foo.com Akfdsv.df *netcom.com,*.ca
+| you@get.the.picture.org ditto. *.org,dialup*.lamer.net,194.44.44.*
+| oper@dialup*.dialup.net pwd1.2 *dialup.net,145.44.*,*.fr
+| (3) !luser@doesnt.need.to.be.opered.org bleh !elite.org,*.org
+| (4) !~luser@no.ident.no.oper.com yo *.com
+| (1) Any oper who is running identd and whose userhost equals to
+| foo@bar.com can tkline everyone if supplied password equals
+| foo-pass.
+| (2) Any oper with identd whose u@h equals to some@user.on.the.net
+| can tkline everyone whose TLD is ".net" or who is IRCing within
+| the IP subnet 207.128.*, if correct password is given.
+| (3) Any luser (no need to be opered) whose u@h/passwd equals can tkline
+| everyone whose TLD is ".org" except the host "elite.org"
+| ("*@elite.org").
+| Generally, you should be aware of the fact that if you put something
+| in the FQDN/IP field, then you automatically restrict the access.
+| Therefore, you must then also indicate all the allowed FQDNs/IPs.
+| The access routines are pretty flexible. So pay attention in what order
+| you allow/disallow what. :)
+| Other examples:
+| !foo@bar.com foo-pass !*.net,*.com,!*.com
+| some@user.on.the.net some.passw1 *.net,207.128.*,!127.0.0.*
+| another@user.foo.com Akfdsv.df *netcom.com,!*trends.ca,*.ca
+| Notice that if you allow "*.de" and after it you forbid "blah.de",
+| this won't work. The oper will still be able to tkline blah.de since
+| "*.de" appears before "!blah.de" in the access field.
+| Are we confused, yet? ;-)
+ For some other examples, refer to the tkserv.access.example file, which
+ is included in the package.
+ The u@h field for the user can also contain wildcards, as you can see.
+| If you specify an FQDN (or several of them in a comma-separated
+| list), the concerned user will only be allowed to tkline users from
+| that FQDN(s). Everything is done via 'wildcard-matching' (if any).
+| I.e. that "home.blah.de" matches only "*@home.blah.de". If you want
+| to allow a whole TLD, you have to do this by putting "*.tld" in the
+| access field.
+! An empty FQDN/IP field means that the concerned user can tkline everyone. !
+ [Except *@* that is.]
+E) Setting up the S: line in your ircd.conf file
+ If you're not yet familiar with S: lines, consult the documentation of
+ the ircd package.
+ S:<host>:<password>:<name>:33554432:<class>
+ <host> is the FQDN from which the service will connect to the server.
+ The service type 33554432 is mandatory! Currently, TkServ will refuse
+ any other service type. [Actually, it won't, but it's good to think that
+ it will... ;-]
+ The service class should refer to an existing class (according to the
+ documentation :).
+F) Starting TkServ
+ The command line syntax of TkServ looks like this:
+ tkserv <server> <port> <password>
+ or
+ tkserv <Unix domain socket> <password>
+ Example:
+ tkserv localhost 6667 my-serv.pass
+ Where <server> is the address of your IRC server, <port> the port to
+ which TkServ will connect and <password> the password for the service.
+G) Adding temp k-klines (TKLINE)
+ Provided that TkServ recognizes you, you can add temporary k-lines via
+ the TKLINE command, which has three different variants:
+ (1) :TKLINE <password> <lifetime in hours> <user@host> <reason>
+ (2) :TKLINE <password> <user@host> <reason>
+ (3) :TKLINE <password> -1 <user@host>
+ (1) adds a tkline for <u@h> with an expire time of <lifetime> hours and
+ with the reason <reason>.
+ (2) adds a tkline for <u@h> with the default expire time (2 hours) and
+ with the reason <reason>.
+ (3) removes any existing tklines found for <user@host>.
+ Examples:
+ (1) :TKLINE my.pass 5 lamer@lamers.org dont flood
+ (2) :TKLINE blah. *@foo.com stop spamming
+ (3) :TKLINE my.pass -1 lamer@lamers.org
+ <lifetime> must be > 0 and < 168.
+| [If your client doesn't support SQUERY, the entire cmd line has to be:
+| "/quote squery <name of tkserv> :tkline ...". If it does support it,
+| then "/squery <name of tkserv> tkline ..." should do it.]
+| [And yes, ircII-EPIC4 supports SQUERY and SERVLIST! ;-)]
+| If a non-opered user tries to use TKLINE without having a matching entry
+| in the access file, he gets "Only IRC-Operators may use this command" as
+| an error message. This is not correct anymore, but i didn't bother to
+| change it (since it may prevent kids from playing around with TkServ :).
+H) Online help/info
+TkServ does also have a little online help which is accessible via
+"/squery <service name> help".
+I) Quitting the service
+To make TkServ quit IRC you have to send him the following SQUERY:
+QUIT <password>
+Where <password> corresponds to password that you indicated at startup.
+Be aware that anyone who knows that password can make your TkServ quit.
+J) Debugging
+If you #define TKSERV_DEBUG in the config.h file, everything which is sent
+to the server from the service and from the server to the service will be
+displayed to the standard output.
+IV) Misc, or what goes where
+TkServ will create the following permanent files in your ircd directory:
+ircd.conf.tkserv (backup of the ircd.conf file)
+tkserv.log (TkServ's log file)
+The latter will contain most of the error messages (in case something goes
+wrong - what we all don't hope ;) as well as logs of successful TKLINE
+The tkserv.access file has to be in the directory specified in the config.h
+file. If no tkserv.access file is found, no one will be able to add temp
+Now and then you should zero your TkServ logfile because this won't happen
+by itself. =)
+V) Credits
+See the CREDITS file.
+VI) Bugs, comments, suggestions...
+Send everything to kl@snafu.de or to Kasi@IRC.
+VII) The TkServ-mailinglist
+There's now a mailinglist for TkServ out there. It is used for general
+announcements (bugs, new releases, etc.) concerning TkServ. Since it's a
+read-only mailinglist, it doesn't have much traffic. You can subscribe to
+it by sending a mail to tkserv@kl.Snafu.DE with "subscribe" in the subject
+or in the body of the mail.
+Enjoy, -Kasi
diff --git a/contrib/tkserv/proto.h b/contrib/tkserv/proto.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..edf23b7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/tkserv/proto.h
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+void sendto_server(char *buf, ...);
+void sendto_user(char *text, ...);
+void process_server_output(char *line);
+void parse_server_output(char *buffer);
+int server_output(int fd, char *buffer);
+void service_pong(void);
+void service_notice(char **args);
+void service_squery(char **args);
+int service_userhost(char *args);
+void squery_help(char **args);
+void squery_tkline(char **args);
+void squery_quit(char **args);
+void sendlog(char *text, ...);
+char *ts(void);
+int is_opered(void);
+int is_authorized(char *pwd, char *host);
+void exec_cmd(char *cmd, ...);
+int add_tkline(char *host, char *user, char *reason, int lifetime);
+int check_tklines(char *host, char *user, int lifetime);
+void rehash(int what);
diff --git a/contrib/tkserv/tkserv.access.example b/contrib/tkserv/tkserv.access.example
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4269c93
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/tkserv/tkserv.access.example
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+foo@bar.com foo.pass *netcom.com,*.net
+someone@SomeOrg.org aldkf.23 eleet.org,165.55.45.*
+~blah@ppp*.blah.de igh.pass
+user@users.Online.net ukuk.ua1
+some@ip*.user.com blah 204.85.*,194.55.43.*
+you.get@the.picture.com pass ppp*.lame.com,*.org,dialin*.whitehouse.gov,*.net,*.uk
+disallow@something.com bleh !*.de,!*.fr,*.net,*.org,*.com,!195.144.45.*
+disallow@another.host.fr yo !hugo.fr,!admin.irc.fr,*.fr,*.ca,195.55.66.*
+!luser@who.doesnt.need.to.be.opered.de yeh *.de
diff --git a/contrib/tkserv/tkserv.c b/contrib/tkserv/tkserv.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..92f281d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/tkserv/tkserv.c
@@ -0,0 +1,1022 @@
+** Powered by Linux. :-)
+** Copyright (c) 1998 Kaspar 'Kasi' Landsberg, <kl@berlin.Snafu.DE>
+** File : tkserv.c v1.2
+** Author : Kaspar 'Kasi' Landsberg, <kl@snafu.de>
+** Desc. : Temporary K-line Service.
+** For further info see the README file.
+** Location : http://www.snafu.de/~kl/tkserv
+** Usage : tkserv <server> <port>
+** E.g. : tkserv localhost 6667
+** This program is distributed under the GNU General Public License in the
+** hope that it will be useful, but without any warranty. Without even the
+** implied warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.
+** See the GNU General Public License for details.
+** Note: The C version of this service is based on parts of the
+** ircII-EPIC IRC client by the EPIC Software Labs and on
+** the NoteServ service by Kai 'Oswald' Seidler - see
+** http://oswald.pages.de for more about NoteServ.
+** Thanks to both. =)
+** PS: Casting rules the world! (doh)
+#include "os.h"
+#undef strcasecmp
+#include "config.h"
+#include "tkconf.h"
+#include "proto.h"
+/* Max. kill reason length */
+/* Used max. length for an absolute Unix path */
+#define TKS_MAXPATH 128
+/* Max. buffer length (don't change this?) */
+#define TKS_MAXBUFFER 8192
+/* don't change this either(?) */
+#define TKS_MAXARGS 250
+/* The version information */
+#define TKS_VERSION "Hello, i'm TkServ v1.2."
+static char *nuh;
+FILE *tks_logf;
+int fd = -1, tklined = 0;
+** Returns the current time in a formated way.
+** Yes, "ts" stands for "time stamp". I know,
+** this hurts, but i couldn't find any better
+** description. ;->
+char *tks_ts(void)
+ static char tempus[256];
+ time_t now;
+ struct tm *loctime;
+ /* Get the current time */
+ now = time(NULL);
+ /* Convert it to local time representation */
+ loctime = localtime(&now);
+ strftime(tempus, 256, "@%H:%M %m/%d", loctime);
+ return(tempus);
+/* logging routine, with timestamps */
+void tks_log(char *text, ...)
+ char txt[TKS_MAXBUFFER];
+ va_list va;
+ tks_logf = fopen(TKSERV_LOGFILE, "a");
+ va_start(va, text);
+ vsprintf(txt, text, va);
+ if (tks_logf != NULL)
+ fprintf(tks_logf, "%s %s\n", txt, tks_ts());
+ else
+ {
+ va_end(va);
+ return;
+ }
+ va_end(va);
+ fclose(tks_logf);
+/* an optimized system() function */
+void exec_cmd(char *cmd, ...)
+ char command[TKS_MAXBUFFER];
+ va_list va;
+ va_start(va, cmd);
+ vsprintf(command, cmd, va);
+ system(command);
+ va_end(va);
+/* sends a string (<= TKS_MAXBUFFER) to the server */
+void sendto_server(char *buf, ...)
+ char buffer[TKS_MAXBUFFER];
+ va_list va;
+ va_start(va, buf);
+ vsprintf(buffer, buf, va);
+ write(fd, buffer, strlen(buffer));
+ va_end(va);
+ printf("%s", buffer);
+/* sends a NOTICE to the SQUERY origin */
+void sendto_user(char *text, ...)
+ char *nick, *ch;
+ char txt[TKS_MAXBUFFER];
+ va_list va;
+ nick = (char *) strdup(nuh);
+ ch = (char *) strchr(nick, '!');
+ *ch = '\0';
+ va_start(va, text);
+ vsprintf(txt, text, va);
+ sendto_server("NOTICE %s :%s\n", nick, txt);
+ va_end(va);
+void process_server_output(char *line)
+ char *ptr;
+ static char *args[TKS_MAXARGS];
+ int i, argc = 0;
+ while ((ptr = (char *) strchr(line, ' ')) && argc < TKS_MAXARGS)
+ {
+ args[argc] = line;
+ argc++;
+ *ptr = '\0';
+ line = ptr + 1;
+ }
+ args[argc] = line;
+ for (i = argc + 1; i < TKS_MAXARGS; i++)
+ args[i] = "";
+ /*
+ ** After successfull registering, backup the ircd.conf file
+ ** and set the perms of the log file -- the easy way :)
+ */
+ if ((*args[0] == ':') && (!strcmp(args[1], "SERVSET")))
+ {
+ exec_cmd("cp "CPATH" "TKSERV_IRCD_CONFIG_BAK);
+ tks_log("Registration successful.");
+ }
+ /* We do only react upon PINGs, SQUERYs and &NOTICES */
+ if (!strcmp(args[0], "PING"))
+ service_pong();
+ if ((*args[0] == ':') && (!strcmp(args[1], "SQUERY")))
+ service_squery(args);
+ if (!strcmp(args[0], "&NOTICES"))
+ service_notice(args);
+/* reformats the server output */
+void parse_server_output(char *buffer)
+ char *ch, buf[TKS_MAXBUFFER];
+ static char tmp[TKS_MAXBUFFER];
+ /* server sent an empty line, so just return */
+ if (!buffer && !*buffer)
+ return;
+ while ((ch = (char *) strchr(buffer, '\n')))
+ {
+ *ch = '\0';
+ if (*(ch - 1) == '\r')
+ *(ch - 1) == '\0';
+ sprintf(buf, "%s%s", tmp, buffer);
+ *tmp = '\0';
+ process_server_output(buf);
+ buffer = ch + 1;
+ }
+ if (*buffer)
+ strcpy(tmp, buffer);
+/* reads and returns output from the server */
+int server_output(int fd, char *buffer)
+ int n = read(fd, buffer, TKS_MAXBUFFER);
+ buffer[n] = '\0';
+ printf("%s", buffer);
+ return(n);
+/* is the origin of the /squery opered? */
+int is_opered(void)
+ char *nick, *ch, *token, *u_num, *userh;
+ char buffer[TKS_MAXBUFFER];
+ nick = (char *) strdup(nuh);
+ ch = (char *) strchr(nick, '!');
+ *ch = '\0';
+ sendto_server("USERHOST %s\n", nick);
+ /* get the USERHOST reply (hopefully) */
+ server_output(fd, buffer);
+ token = (char *) strtok(buffer, " ");
+ token = (char *) strtok(NULL, " ");
+ u_num = (char *) strdup(token);
+ token = (char *) strtok(NULL, " ");
+ token = (char *) strtok(NULL, " ");
+ userh = (char *) strdup(token);
+ /* if we got the USERHOST reply, perform the check */
+ if (!strcmp(u_num, "302"))
+ {
+ char *ch;
+ ch = (char *) strchr(userh, '=') - 1;
+ /* is the origin opered? */
+ if (*ch == '*')
+ {
+ char *old_uh, *new_uh, *ch;
+ old_uh = (char *) (strchr(nuh, '!') + 1);
+ new_uh = (char *) (strchr(userh, '=') + 2);
+ if (ch = (char *) strchr(new_uh, '\r'))
+ *ch = '\0';
+ /* Does the u@h of the USERHOST reply correspond to the u@h of our origin? */
+ if (!strcmp(old_uh, new_uh))
+ return(1);
+ else
+ /*
+ ** race condition == we sent a USERHOST request and got the USERHHOST reply,
+ ** but this reply doesn't correspond to our origin of the SQUERY --
+ ** this should never happen (but never say never ;)
+ */
+ sendto_user("A race condition has occured -- please try again.");
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ /*
+ ** race condition == we sent a USERHOST request but the next message from
+ ** the server was not a USERHOST reply (usually due to lag)
+ */
+ sendto_user("A race condition has occured -- please try again (and ignore the following error message).");
+ return(0);
+** Look for an entry in the access file and
+** see if the origin needs to be opered
+int must_be_opered()
+ FILE *fp;
+ /* if the access file exists, check for auth */
+ if ((fp = fopen(TKSERV_ACCESSFILE, "r")) != NULL)
+ {
+ char buffer[TKS_MAXBUFFER];
+ char *access_uh, *token, *uh;
+ while (fgets(buffer, TKS_MAXBUFFER, fp))
+ {
+ uh = (char *) (strchr(nuh, '!') + 1);
+ token = (char *) strtok(buffer, " ");
+ if (token)
+ access_uh = (char *) strdup(token);
+ /* check for access file corruption */
+ if (!access_uh)
+ {
+ tks_log("Corrupt access file. RTFM. :-)");
+ return(0);
+ }
+ /* do we need an oper? */
+ if (*access_uh == '!')
+ {
+ if (!fnmatch((char *) (strchr(access_uh, '!') + 1), uh, 0))
+ return(0);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ tks_log("%s not found.", TKSERV_ACCESSFILE);
+ return(1);
+/* check whether origin is authorized to use the service */
+int is_authorized(char *pwd, char *host)
+ FILE *fp;
+ /* if the access file exists, check for authorization */
+ if ((fp = fopen(TKSERV_ACCESSFILE, "r")) != NULL)
+ {
+ char buffer[TKS_MAXBUFFER];
+ char *access_uh, *access_pwd;
+ char *token, *uh, *ch, *tlds = NULL;
+ while (fgets(buffer, TKS_MAXBUFFER, fp))
+ {
+ uh = (char *) (strchr(nuh, '!') + 1);
+ token = (char *) strtok(buffer, " ");
+ if (token)
+ access_uh = (char *) strdup(token);
+ if (*access_uh == '!')
+ access_uh = (char *) (strchr(access_uh, '!') + 1);
+ token = (char *) strtok(NULL, " ");
+ if (token)
+ access_pwd = (char *) strdup(token);
+ token = (char *) strtok(NULL, " ");
+ if (token)
+ tlds = (char *) strdup(token);
+ else
+ if (ch = (char *) strchr(access_pwd, '\n'))
+ *ch = '\0';
+ /* check for access file corruption */
+ if (!access_uh || !access_pwd)
+ {
+ tks_log("Corrupt access file. RTFM. :-)");
+ return(0);
+ }
+ /* check uh, pass and TLD */
+ if (!fnmatch(access_uh, uh, 0))
+ if (!strcmp(pwd, access_pwd))
+ if (!tlds)
+ return(1);
+ else
+ {
+ char *token, *ch;
+ /* blah */
+ if (ch = (char *) strchr(tlds, '\n'))
+ *ch = '\0';
+ token = (char *) strtok(tlds, ",");
+ /* '!' negates the given host/domain -> not allowed to tkline */
+ if (*token == '!')
+ {
+ if (!fnmatch(((char *) strchr(token, '!') + 1), host, 0))
+ {
+ sendto_user("You are not allowed to tkline \"%s\",", host);
+ return(0);
+ }
+ }
+ else if (!fnmatch(token, host, 0))
+ return(1);
+ /* walk thru the list */
+ while (token = (char *) strtok(NULL, ","))
+ {
+ if (*token == '!')
+ {
+ if (!fnmatch((char *) (strchr(token, '!') + 1), host, 0))
+ {
+ sendto_user("You are not allowed to tkline \"%s\",", host);
+ return(0);
+ }
+ }
+ else if (!fnmatch(token, host, 0))
+ return(1);
+ }
+ sendto_user("You are not allowed to tkline \"%s\".", host);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ tks_log("%s not found.", TKSERV_ACCESSFILE);
+ return(0);
+/*************** ircd.conf section ****************/
+/* Appends new tklines to the ircd.conf file */
+int add_tkline(char *host, char *user, char *reason, int lifetime)
+ FILE *iconf;
+ if (iconf = fopen(CPATH, "a"))
+ {
+ time_t now;
+ now = time(NULL);
+ fprintf(iconf, "K:%s:%s:%s:0 # %d %u tkserv\n",
+ host, reason, user, lifetime, now);
+ fclose(iconf);
+ rehash(1);
+ tks_log("K:%s:%s:%s:0 added for %d hour(s) by %s.",
+ host, reason, user, lifetime, nuh);
+ return(1);
+ }
+ else
+ tks_log("Couldn't write to "CPATH);
+ return(0);
+/* Check for expired tklines in the ircd.conf file */
+int check_tklines(char *host, char *user, int lifetime)
+ FILE *iconf, *iconf_tmp;
+ if ((iconf = fopen(CPATH, "r")) && (iconf_tmp = fopen(TKSERV_IRCD_CONFIG_TMP, "w")))
+ {
+ int count = 0, found = 0;
+ time_t now;
+ char buffer[TKS_MAXBUFFER];
+ char buf_tmp[TKS_MAXBUFFER];
+ /* just in case... */
+ now = time(NULL);
+ while (fgets(buffer, TKS_MAXBUFFER, iconf))
+ {
+ if ((*buffer != 'K') || (!strstr(buffer, "tkserv")))
+ fprintf(iconf_tmp, buffer);
+ else
+ {
+ /*
+ ** If lifetime has a value of -1, look for matching
+ ** tklines and remove them. Otherwise, perform
+ ** the expiration check.
+ */
+ if (lifetime == -1)
+ {
+ char *token;
+ char buf[TKS_MAXBUFFER];
+ strcpy(buf, buffer);
+ token = (char *) strtok(buf, ":");
+ token = (char *) strtok(NULL, ":");
+ if (!strcasecmp(token, host))
+ {
+ token = (char *) strtok(NULL, ":");
+ token = (char *) strtok(NULL, ":");
+ if (!strcasecmp(token, user))
+ {
+ count++;
+ found = 1;
+ }
+ else
+ fprintf(iconf_tmp, buffer);
+ }
+ else
+ fprintf(iconf_tmp, buffer);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ char *ch, *token;
+ char buf[TKS_MAXBUFFER];
+ unsigned long int lifetime, then;
+ strcpy(buf, buffer);
+ ch = (char *) strrchr(buf, '#');
+ token = (char *) strtok(ch, " ");
+ token = (char *) strtok(NULL, " ");
+ lifetime = strtoul(token, NULL, 0);
+ token = (char *) strtok(NULL, " ");
+ then = strtoul(token, NULL, 0);
+ if (!(((now - then) / (60 * 60)) >= lifetime))
+ fprintf(iconf_tmp, buffer);
+ else
+ found = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ fclose(iconf);
+ fclose(iconf_tmp);
+ exec_cmd("cp %s %s", TKSERV_IRCD_CONFIG_TMP,CPATH);
+ if (found)
+ rehash(-1);
+ return(count);
+ }
+ else
+ tks_log("Error while checking for expired tklines...");
+/* reloads the ircd.conf file -- the easy way */
+void rehash(int what)
+ exec_cmd("kill -HUP `cat "PPATH"`");
+ if (what != -1)
+ tklined = what;
+/*************** end of ircd.conf section **************/
+/*************** The service command section *************/
+/* On PING, send PONG and check for expired tklines */
+void service_pong(void)
+ sendto_server("PONG %s\n", TKSERV_NAME);
+ check_tklines(NULL, NULL, 0);
+** If we get a rehash, tell the origin that the tklines are active/removed
+** and check for expired tklines...
+void service_notice(char **args)
+ if ((!strcmp(args[4], "reloading") && (!strcmp(args[5], TKSERV_IRCD_CONF))) ||
+ (!strcmp(args[3], "rehashing") && (!strcmp(args[4], "Server"))))
+ {
+ if (tklined)
+ {
+ sendto_user("TK-line%s.", (tklined > 1) ? "(s) removed" : " active");
+ tklined = 0;
+ }
+ }
+/* parse the received SQUERY */
+void service_squery(char **args)
+ char *cmd, *ch;
+ nuh = (char *) strdup(args[0] + 1);
+ cmd = (char *) strdup(args[3] + 1);
+ if (ch = (char *) strchr(cmd, '\r'))
+ *ch = '\0';
+ if (!strcasecmp(cmd, "admin"))
+ {
+ sendto_user(TKSERV_ADMIN_NAME);
+ sendto_user(TKSERV_ADMIN_CONTACT);
+ sendto_user(TKSERV_ADMIN_OTHER);
+ }
+ else if (!strcasecmp(cmd, "help"))
+ squery_help(args);
+ else if (!strcasecmp(cmd, "info"))
+ {
+ sendto_user("This service is featuring temporary k-lines.");
+ sendto_user("It's available at http://www.snafu.de/~kl/tkserv.");
+ }
+ else if (!strcasecmp(cmd, "quit"))
+ squery_quit(args);
+ else if (!strcasecmp(cmd, "tkline"))
+ squery_tkline(args);
+ else if (!strcasecmp(cmd, "version"))
+ sendto_user(TKS_VERSION);
+ else
+ sendto_user("Unknown command. Try HELP.");
+void squery_help(char **args)
+ char *ch, *help_about;
+ help_about = args[4];
+ if (help_about && *help_about)
+ {
+ if (ch = (char *) strchr(help_about, '\r'))
+ *ch = '\0';
+ if (!strcasecmp(help_about, "admin"))
+ sendto_user("ADMIN shows you the administrative info for this service.");
+ if (!strcasecmp(help_about, "help"))
+ sendto_user("HELP <command> shows you the help text for <command>.");
+ if (!strcasecmp(help_about, "info"))
+ sendto_user("INFO shows you a short description about this service.");
+ if (!strcasecmp(help_about, "tkline"))
+ {
+ sendto_user("TKLINE adds a temporary entry to the server's k-line list.");
+ sendto_user("TKLINE is a privileged command.");
+ }
+ if (!strcasecmp(help_about, "version"))
+ sendto_user("VERSION shows you the version information of this service.");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ sendto_user("Available commands:");
+ sendto_user("HELP, INFO, VERSION, ADMIN, TKLINE.");
+ sendto_user("Send HELP <command> for further help.");
+ }
+void squery_tkline(char **args)
+ int lifetime, i;
+ char *passwd, *pattern, *host, *ch, *user = "*";
+ char reason[TKS_MAXKILLREASON];
+ /* Before we go thru all this, make sure we don't waste our time... */
+ if (must_be_opered())
+ {
+ if (!is_opered())
+ {
+ sendto_user("Only IRC-Operators may use this command.");
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ i = 5;
+ while (args[i] && *args[i])
+ {
+ if (strchr(args[i], ':'))
+ {
+ sendto_user("Colons are only allowed in the password.");
+ return;
+ }
+ i++;
+ }
+ if (args[5] && *args[5])
+ {
+ if (isdigit(*args[5]) || (*args[5] == '-'))
+ lifetime = atoi(args[5]);
+ else
+ {
+ sendto_user("The lifetime may only contain digits.");
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ sendto_user("Usage: TKLINE <password> [<lifetime>] <u@h> <reason>");
+ return;
+ }
+ /* TKLINE <pass> <lifetime> <u@h> <reason> */
+ if ((lifetime > 0) && !(args[7] && *args[7]))
+ {
+ sendto_user("Usage: TKLINE <password> <lifetime> <u@h> <reason>");
+ return;
+ }
+ /* TKLINE <pass> <u@h> <reason> (default expiration) */
+ if ((lifetime == 0) && !(args[6] && *args[6]))
+ {
+ sendto_user("Usage: TKLINE <password> <u@h> <reason>");
+ return;
+ }
+ /* TKLINE <pass> -1 <u@h> (removal of tklines) */
+ if ((lifetime == -1) && !(args[6] && *args[6]))
+ {
+ sendto_user("Usage: TKLINE <password> -1 <u@h>");
+ return;
+ }
+ if ((lifetime >= 768) || (lifetime < -1))
+ {
+ sendto_user("<lifetime> must be greater than 0 and less than 768.");
+ return;
+ }
+ /* I don't want to get confused, so all this may be a bit redundant */
+ if (lifetime > 0)
+ {
+ passwd = args[4];
+ pattern = args[6];
+ strcpy(reason, args[7]);
+ i = 8;
+ /* I know... */
+ while(args[i] && *args[i])
+ {
+ strncat(reason, " ", TKS_MAXKILLREASON - strlen(reason) - 1);
+ strncat(reason, args[i], TKS_MAXKILLREASON - strlen(reason) - 1);
+ i++;
+ }
+ if (ch = (char *) strchr(reason, '\r'))
+ *ch = '\0';
+ }
+ if (lifetime == 0)
+ {
+ if (!(strchr(args[5], '@') || strchr(args[5], '*') ||
+ strchr(args[5], '.')))
+ {
+ sendto_user("<lifetime> must be greater than 0.");
+ return;
+ }
+ passwd = args[4];
+ lifetime = 2; /* Default lifetime */
+ pattern = args[5];
+ strcpy(reason, args[6]);
+ i = 7;
+ while(args[i] && *args[i])
+ {
+ strncat(reason, " ", TKS_MAXKILLREASON - strlen(reason) - 1);
+ strncat(reason, args[i], TKS_MAXKILLREASON - strlen(reason) - 1);
+ i++;
+ }
+ if (ch = (char *) strchr(reason, '\r'))
+ *ch = '\0';
+ }
+ if (lifetime == -1)
+ {
+ passwd = args[4];
+ pattern = args[6];
+ if (ch = (char *) strchr(pattern, '\r'))
+ *ch = '\0';
+ }
+ /* Don't allow "*@*" and "*" in the pattern */
+ if (!strcmp(pattern, "*@*") || !strcmp(pattern, "*"))
+ {
+ sendto_user("The pattern \"%s\" is not allowed.", pattern);
+ tks_log("%s tried to tkline/untkline \"%s\".", nuh, pattern);
+ return;
+ }
+ /* Split the pattern up into username and hostname */
+ if (ch = (char *) strchr(pattern, '@'))
+ {
+ host = (char *) (strchr(pattern, '@') + 1);
+ user = pattern;
+ *ch = '\0';
+ }
+ else /* user defaults to "*" */
+ host = pattern;
+ /*
+ ** Make sure there's a dot in the hostname.
+ ** The reason for this being that i "need" a dot
+ ** later on and that i don't want to perform
+ ** extra checks whether it's there or not...
+ ** Call this lazyness, but it also makes the service faster. ;-)
+ */
+ if (!strchr(host, '.'))
+ {
+ sendto_user("The hostname must contain at least one dot.");
+ return;
+ }
+ if (!is_authorized(passwd, host))
+ {
+ sendto_user("Authorization failed.");
+ return;
+ }
+ if (lifetime == -1)
+ {
+ int i;
+ i = check_tklines(host, user, lifetime);
+ sendto_user("%d tkline%sfor \"%s@%s\" found.", i,
+ (i > 1) ? "s " : " ", user, host);
+ if (i > 0)
+ rehash(2);
+ }
+ else
+ if (!add_tkline(host, user, reason, lifetime))
+ sendto_user("Error while trying to edit the "CPATH" file.");
+** Each time we receive a QUIT via SQUERY we check whether
+** the supplied password matches the one in the conf file or not.
+** If not, an error is sent out. If yes, we close the connection to
+** the server.
+void squery_quit(char **args)
+ char *ch;
+ if (ch = (char *) strchr(args[4], '\r'))
+ *ch = '\0';
+ if (!strcmp(args[4], TKSERV_PASSWORD))
+ {
+ tks_log("Got QUIT from %s. Terminating.", nuh);
+ sendto_server("QUIT :Linux makes the world go round. :)\n");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ sendto_user("I refuse to QUIT. Have a look at the log to see why.");
+ tks_log("Got QUIT from %s with wrong password. Continuing.", nuh);
+ }
+/**************** End of service command section ***************/
+int main(int argc, char *argv[])
+ char *host, *port, buffer[TKS_MAXBUFFER], last_buf[TKS_MAXBUFFER];
+ char tmp[TKS_MAXPATH];
+ int is_unix = (argv[1] && *argv[1] == '/');
+ int sock_type = (is_unix) ? AF_UNIX : AF_INET;
+ int proto_type = SOCK_STREAM;
+ int eof = 0;
+ struct in_addr LocalHostAddr;
+ struct sockaddr_in server;
+ struct sockaddr_in localaddr;
+ struct hostent *hp;
+ struct timeval timeout;
+ fd_set read_set;
+ fd_set write_set;
+ if ((is_unix) && (argc != 2))
+ {
+ fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s <server> <port>\n", argv[0]);
+ fprintf(stderr, " %s <Unix domain socket>\n", argv[0]);
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ else if (argc != 3)
+ {
+ fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s <server> <port>\n", argv[0]);
+ fprintf(stderr, " %s <Unix domain socket>\n", argv[0]);
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ if (!strcmp(TKSERV_DIST, "*"))
+ {
+ printf("Your service has a global distribution. Please make sure that\n");
+ printf("you read the part about the service distribution in the README.\n");
+ }
+ tks_log("Welcome to TkServ. Lean back and enjoy the show...");
+ if ((fd = socket(sock_type, proto_type, 0)) < 0)
+ {
+ perror("socket");
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ /* copy the args into something more documentable */
+ host = argv[1];
+ if (!is_unix)
+ port = argv[2];
+ /* Unix domain socket */
+ if (is_unix)
+ {
+ struct sockaddr_un name;
+ memset(&name, 0, sizeof(struct sockaddr_un));
+ name.sun_family = AF_UNIX;
+ strcpy(name.sun_path, host);
+ if (connect(fd, (struct sockaddr *) &name, strlen(name.sun_path) + 2) == -1)
+ {
+ perror("connect");
+ close(fd);
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ }
+ memset(&localaddr, 0, sizeof(struct sockaddr_in));
+ localaddr.sin_family = AF_INET;
+ localaddr.sin_addr = LocalHostAddr;
+ localaddr.sin_port = 0;
+ if (bind(fd, (struct sockaddr *) &localaddr, sizeof(localaddr)))
+ {
+ perror("bind");
+ close(fd);
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ memset(&server, 0, sizeof(struct sockaddr_in));
+ memset(&LocalHostAddr, 0, sizeof(LocalHostAddr));
+ if (!(hp = gethostbyname(host)))
+ {
+ perror("resolv");
+ close(fd);
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ memmove(&(server.sin_addr), hp->h_addr, hp->h_length);
+ memmove((void *) &LocalHostAddr, hp->h_addr, sizeof(LocalHostAddr));
+ server.sin_family = AF_INET;
+ server.sin_port = htons(atoi(port));
+ if (connect(fd, (struct sockaddr *) &server, sizeof(server)) == -1)
+ {
+ perror("connect");
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ /* register the service with SERVICE_WANT_NOTICE */
+ sendto_server("PASS %s\n", TKSERV_PASSWORD);
+ sendto_server("SERVICE %s localhost %s 33554432 0 :%s\n", TKSERV_NAME, TKSERV_DIST, TKSERV_DESC);
+ sendto_server("SERVSET 33619968\n");
+ timeout.tv_usec = 1000;
+ timeout.tv_sec = 10;
+ /* daemonization... i'm sure it's not complete */
+ switch (fork())
+ {
+ case -1:
+ perror("fork()");
+ exit(3);
+ case 0:
+ close(STDIN_FILENO);
+ if (setsid() == -1)
+ exit(4);
+ break;
+ default:
+ return 0;
+ }
+ /* listen for server output and parse it */
+ while (!eof)
+ {
+ FD_ZERO(&read_set);
+ FD_ZERO(&write_set);
+ FD_SET(fd, &read_set);
+ if (select(FD_SETSIZE, &read_set, &write_set, NULL, &timeout) == -1)
+ {
+ perror("select");
+ }
+ if (!server_output(fd, buffer))
+ {
+ printf("Connection closed.\n");
+ printf("Last server output was: %s\n", last_buf);
+ eof = 1;
+ }
+ strcpy(last_buf, buffer);
+ parse_server_output(buffer);
+ }
+ close(fd);
+ exit(0);
+/* eof */