
meteo toolbox

This projects aims to provide a declarative frontend to create weather charts from a variety of sources. It mainly builds upon MetPy, Xarray and cfgrib.


This project depends on the ecCodes tools, as well as some Python libraries.

The former can be installed with pip install -r requirements.txt.

ecCodes is available in the Arch User Repository.


A configuration file is needed to run. It defines datasources, as well as plots to create.

See the included config.yaml for an example configuration.

To trigger chart generation, execute run.py. If no path is provided as argument, config.yaml is used by default.

Data Sources

Currently, DWD models ICON, ICON-EU and ICON-D2 fom DWD OpenData site and Sounding Data from the University of Wyoming Atmospheric Science Radiosonde Archive are supported. I plan to extend that to at least ECMWF OpenData.

It is my goal to make every plotter work with as many data sources as possible, to enable the parallel usage of as many datasources as possible.


web/ is a very basic web frontend for the generated plots. If all the data is put in web/data/ (which is the default), it can be started by just running python -m http.server -d web/.

Next to the plots, each plotter also creates an index.NAME.json, which the webpage uses to list products.


This project is licensed under the MIT Licese. See LICENSE for details.